If the ranges can be more leveraged more information can be visualized in a single gauge and it allows for creating "custom bars". The pointer value already accepts a margin. Example: scale: { majorUnit: 20, minorUnit: 5, max: 180, ranges: [ { from: 80, to: 120, color: "#ffc700", margin: 10 }, { from: 120, to: 150, color: "#ff7a00" }, { from: 150, to: 180, color: "#c20000" } ] }
Currently a bar linear gauge can only be drawn from minimum to maximum, but a start position (center) to draw left/right or up/down would be welcome.
Hi, We have a client request to show week number in kendo ui scheduler timeline view and month view. Thanks, Lilan
Toggle button with yes/no or any customized option to get true/false from user. Mobile switch was not working properly in page. Required a separate control for MVC web pages.
1) each release version please give a compatiable list if kendo UI use new version of third party js framework, especially angularjs. for example: the 2015 Q3 v2015.3.930, which is shipped angular js 1.4.6, i want to determine is it compatiable with angular 1.3.x because in enterprise solution, the third party javascript library upgrade new version is impossible, some components depends on angular 1.3.x. 2) please think about support angular js 1.3.x, like the jquery 1.9.1, you should keep a stable version support on thirdparty. 3) the road map about kendo support angular.js.
Kendo UI integration with Riot.js
Add Auto Fill and Fill Down functionality to Spreadsheet
It would be nice if we can programatically call the cell functions (AND, IF ELSE, VLOOKUP etc) directly from code. An example would be, say on a button click, I want to call one of the Excel type functions on all the cells or a select group of cells.
It would be very nice if we could export a chart (and its data) to Excel.
It would be nice if there was a render setting for KendoUI controls that match Bootstrap elements. I know there is a Bootstrap theme but it doesnt come close to how bootstrap truely looks for example the KendoUI Grid could render out a Bootstrap Styled Table but setting the render option to "Bootstrap"
When the are building the grid, will bu useful to have and option to set the page number that you want to display .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .Ajax().PageSize(Model.PageSize).Page(Model.Page) .ServerOperation(true) // Paging, sorting, filtering and grouping will be done client-side .Read(read => read.Url("/results/gethomes"))
We need to set a date range in a single textbox instead of two different textbox using Kendo date and datetime picker.
Add custom defined formulas
Easy way to have a seperate conroller and template for kendo Windows with AngularJS. see here: https://github.com/kjartanvalur/angular-kendo-window
<input data-role="maskedtextbox" data-bind="value: ip_address" data-mask="" /> The problem is that if you don't use all digit places, you have to put a zero ( vs I would like there to be a max number of characters (3) in-between the periods.
In my bubble chart, I'm trying to center each tooltip above it respective bubble. However, each tooltip doesn't show up in the same relative position for each bubble. This makes it very difficult to perfectly center each tooltip over its bubble. It would be nice if there were an option to center the tooltip vertically above the bubble.
Hi, Kendo DataViz is getting awesome, but I always feel that some (albeit) common operations are made very complicated. I know there is some compatibility that must be assured but I some point the usage would be much better. Here are some common operations that are currently quite unintuitive: * Reverse the order of an axis: reversing the order of an axis (so that values are on the right of the chart instead of the left), must currently be done by setting a very high "axisCrossingValue" (wtf?), as shown here: http://jsbin.com/iyiqec/1/edit?html,css,js,output This definitely sounds like a hack and the wrong solution to the problem. A simple labelAlignment (left / right) would be far more intuitive. * Being able to draw all points but still use baseUnitStep to "auto": let's say I have a chart with a lot of points. This means you need to use baseUnitStep to "auto". However, a bad consequence is that it now renders only the point for each step computed after baseUnitStep. This is often not the expected behaviour and, while drawing less labels, I often still want to display all the points (or more points). Currently, the super complicated way is to use the obscure "categoryAxes" property, make sure that one axis is hidden (but will be assigned the point), and other one is set to baseUnitStep auto, as shown here: http://dojo.telerik.com/@germanov/ULUGi Maybe a simpler "valuesStep" option that would allow to override the step for values, independently of the category axis, could be introduced. Thanks!
Hello Kendo-Product-Team, there is this create library called xeditable which basically makes it easy to add edit functionality to a details-view. Have a look here: https://vitalets.github.io/x-editable/demo-bs3.html I think this would be a super addition to the kendo framework. In a typical business application you have a grid with the list of all products and when you click on one product you have a nice details page. Currently if you want to edit the product the user needs to go to a special edit form. With xeditable it is possible to add the editing capability directly into the details page. It's nice and easy for the user (less clicks) and it is easier for the develope (no extra edit form to build). I also think that it would be easy to do such a thing for you as you already have the controls and the framework. Thanks Andi
I'm currently using a chart with "categoryAxes.select" as a navigator for multiple other charts. Problem being, when I display too much data, the navigator (and other charts) become laggy. To help prevent that, I'd like a way to make the "selectEnd" and "SelectStart" events only fire on mouseup. That would prevent multiple redrawing and help with the performance.
I need to display multiple charts on one page. These charts are all based on the same timeserie. To help with data analysis, I need to align every chart and the easiest way to achive that would be to be able to specify a width for the plot area. Would you consider adding this feature ?