Currently, the grid automatically enters edit mode when the user presses the [Enter] key. This is difficult to prevent. There could be a kendoGrid configuration setting to disable "edit on [Enter]".
I had an issue with PDF export from browsers on mobile device. Initially had issue with CSS attribute whitespace: pre-wrap, which was fixed in the newer version of kendo 2016 Q2, however, I still had an issue with Firefox on mobile. Official supports for "some" browsers on mobile devices and documentation (e.g. what browsers are supported etc) would be very appreciated.
Our business partners would like to be able to have gradients as part of the radial gauge color bar. Similar to the following:
Add the ability to apply kendo template on Kendo Grid column reorder while dragging the header.
Currently the Barcode control support POSTNET bar code. However the USPS retired this bar code in 2013. I am suggesting that the POSTNET barcode be replaced with the IMB OneCode barcode that the USPS now supports.
The Kendo community is quite heavily developer-based. But as a designer, I need to create design comps using Kendo as a base for our interfaces. Designers need to have templates they can grab, otherwise designers like myself will have to rebuild what we see on the Demo site in our favorite graphics program. We need .ai/.psd/.sketch versions of the Kendo UI interfaces, even better with skins too (we'll be using Nova as a base).
Sitefinity uses KendoAll everywhere, here's an example of how it's used CMS-wide The basic idea is that when the page is built at runtime all the references to the script get combined and it's only served once. So the stock widgets just all reference KendoAll and if there's 100 widgets on a page that the user creates, KendoAll only comes down once... So in the SF backend we can set what "ScriptRef.KendoAll" means... like which script it points to, or even to use the CDN version. Typically what I do to cut the size is to change the KendoAll script to KendoWeb CDN because nothing in Sitefinity uses KendoMobile so why constantly deliver the massive bundle. However there's been a bunch of times where KendoDataViz has been required on the sites, and now I'm stuck... because you can't just add KendoWeb and KendoDataviz seperatly on a page due to the overlap of functionality. Option 1: Change the entire site back to KendoAll Option 2: Generate a custom build and use that Problem with option 1 is I'm back to delivering a couple meg file to users Problem with option 2 is I can no longer use a CDN, and every release I'm having to keep re-generating a new bundle file. It would be very very very nice if a pre-generated DataViz+Web (and seperate DataViz+Mobile) build was available on the CDN to use.
Let's be clear, i know there is notification. But, i think that we can add some functionalities to this feature. It will be great to have a notification center: -It display the number of notification - When we click on it, it will display the notification stack A little bit like Facebook when you see the notifications.
Would like some way to know when the file is finished saving. This is especially useful when saveAs uses a proxyURL and a user is waiting for the file to come back from the server. Currently, there is no way to inform user of this progress or when it completes.
The Kendo Validator cannot be used with the contents of a bound listview because there isn't a way to give unique names to each input. Knockoutjs handles this via the uniqueName binder: I wrote a custom binder to accomplish this but it would be nice to have a delivered option. Basically I: 1) locate the parent data-uid and tack that onto the end of the name 2) update all data-for references to match.
I have a scenario where the form has enough elements to have performance issue with the validator, so I would like to be able to pass a selector to validateInput() that targets multiple inputs. Example: validator.validateInput($("input[name^=itemLine]")
Greetings, How can I achieve the following using MVC + Kendo grid + jquery
Hi Guys, I've notice that there is no Codabar type in the Kendo UI Barcode, but the silverlight version has it. Once migrated the codabar type is not available, It would be great to have it added, it is widely used for applications that require serial numbers, such as management of blood banks, slips for door-todoor delivery services and member cards. Thanks
Please add Breadcrum functionality in kendo.
Custom validations are not triggered by blurring the input (as it visually seems), but when the set() method of the underlying model is called to change the value of the edited field. Possible workaround: $('input[name="ProductName"]').bind('blur', function(){ // get a reference to the built-in validator var validator ="kendoValidator"); validator.validate(); })
This is a great framework that takes the best ideas of angular and react without being as difficult to learn as either of them. Please consider it.
Make the html date and time controls match the skins for the native Kendo UI look. This way a form built with Kendo UI will look pleasant across a mixture of html and Keno UI controls. In some cases it would be better to have the mobile style "scroll" to enter dates and times but the look is off putting.
Add possibility to create cell editors with button opening popup or window containing for example Rich text editor, textarea or any other advanced editor. Currently it is impossible due to some limitations in grid incell editing design.