It would be really nice to have an easy way to dynamically create Kendo Windows in AngularJS. And also with separate controller and template. Here i´m trying to do this but it would be really good to have a similar way integrated into Kendo. There is also a demo on the repo.
If the close method can accept the parameter object, then we can check if execute our logic in the close event.
I need to call .center() on a kendo window to have it centered on the page. Position and size are already included in the configuration properties of kendo window so it would be logical to include the alignment as well.
ViewModel (TypeScript/Aurelia):Hi Team
We found a bug when we try to dynamically include a title at the KendoUI - Window component.
When we visit the website, all is correctly(title.png) displayed. After an reload of the website (F5 or the refresh button) the title disappers(notitle.png)
Regrets Thomas
//private variable
private _helpWindowTitle: string;
constructor(private _taskQueue: TaskQueue) {
//set localization
.then(() => {
this._helpWindowTitle ="window.title");
View (HTML):
<div id="helpwindow" ak-window="k-width: 600px;
k-visible.bind: false;
k-title.two-way: _helpWindowTitle;
k-actions.bind: _helpActions;
k-widget.bind: _helpwindow">
<form class="d-flex-center flex-column" role="form" ref="form" submit.delegate="tryHelpRequest()">
<div class="form-group d-flex-center m-4">
<label class="white-space-nowrap m-0 mr-2"><span t="window.optionlabel"></span></label>
<ak-drop-down-list k-auto-bind.bind="false"
style="width: 300px;">
<textarea ak-rich-editor="k-widget.two-way: _helpMessageEditor"
<button ak-button class="btn-arec-dark p-2 mt-2" submit-form.bind="form"><i class="fa fa-paper-plane mr-2"></i><span t="window.submittext"></span></button>
Allow the toolbar to be docked to the Kendo window at the top under the title or tabstip at the top under the tab, this way the scrolling would keep the toolbar in place and would be always visible for user action
The Kendo UI Window features in many widgets as an editable popup and form container - like the Kendo UI Grid and TreeList, the Kendo UI Diagram and it would be great to be able to keep using it and open it elsewhere dynamically as right now this takes no effect.:
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