I would like to be able to be able to use unique filenames when uploading files asynchronous or maybe filnames based on GUID names
Reproduction of the Problem:
Dojo: http://dojo.telerik.com/@grabbi/ayiQOGoT
This behaivior only occures when Chunk Upload is selected and some kind of validation is activated too.
Expected behaivior:
When Removing a file the file is just removed from the list and no upload ist starting.
<input name="file" id="file" type="file" />
$(document).ready(function () {</script>
The suggested way to omit the Remove button is to not provide a Remove URL/Action. However this breaks the list of the async upload such that the list doesn't get cleared with each new upload. Since its an async upload that automatically uploads, there no point in accumulating a list of uploads. Whether or not you expose a remove button shouldn't be tied in any way to the clearing of the list when a new upload is made. That should only affect the availability of a remove button. At the very least you could provide some documentation on this quirky behavior. Instead its random walk of, ok if I change this property what happens, how about this one, how about both, and whirl away a few hours screwing around with unpredictable behaviors. @(Html.Kendo().Upload() .Name("pdfFiles") .Multiple(false) .Async(configuration=> configuration .AutoUpload(true) .Save("UploadTemporaryPdf", "StatementOfCredit") //.Remove("RemoveTemporaryPdf", "StatementOfCredit") ) .Events(events=> events .Select("onUploadSelect") .Success("onUploadSuccess") .Error("onUploadError") ) .HtmlAttributes(new { accept = "application/pdf" })
The getFiles method does not return correct results when used in the success event. If you upload a file, the method in the success event will return an array with one item. If you remove a file, the same would return again an array with one item.
GetFiles returns an array with one item after removing the file from the list.
The method should return an empty array.
The current upload control does not allow the PUT verb. This means you cannot use it with Amazon S3 without implementing a proxy server. The problem with the proxy server approach is that it places unneeded strain on your own servers and you get charged twice for data transfer, once on the way in to the proxy server and again from the proxy server to S3.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the functionality to remove the Drag and Drop upload configuration using the built-in API of the Kendo UI Upload.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request a built-in event which would fire when any validation fails within the Kendo UI Upload.
Thank you!
When a user clicks the Kendo UI Upload's "select files" button in Firefox, they will need to click twice.
The first click should trigger the menu to open for uploading files.
Please resolve this, as this is a pain point for our customers.
I came across an issue in Kendo Upload UI for Vue. The tooltip is not getting changed on file drag. I could reproduce the same in the official kendo website.
Please find the screenshot below
If I read https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/AngularJS/introduction I find “Setting Handlers through k-on Attribute” which suggests that I should be able to write `k-on-` prior to any of the events documented at https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/upload#events and automatically run under `$apply()` or `$applyAsync()`. However, when I try that, my event handler doesn’t even run at all.
I think this is an oversight.
I can reproduce this in https://dojo.telerik.com/ocESevUS which is generated from the link at https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/upload/angular which uses AngularJS v1.7.2 and Kendo UI v2018.3.1017.
There should be a render function of some sort that can be called that changes how the Uploads are displayed.
In the attached image, I uploaded a single file, then two additional files.
Rather than having a set of one and a set of two, I'd prefer to have either a set of three, or three sets of 1.
I understand that the plugin creates an input element for each individual uploading, however, I think there would be value in being able to join or split those files into multiple elements. It may even be beneficial to add and utilize a FileList object in the Kendo Upload object, as this would allow for the uploads to be sorted alphabetically, or by type, and so on.
To recreate the behavior mentioned, simply upload any number of files to an Upload control and then do that one more time. The behavior can be recreated on the Telerik website demos.
Implement functionality that enables the dynamic change of the chunk size when uploading a file.
This change should depend on file size and upload speed.
There are no configuration options dedicated to localizing the text in the arial-label attribute of these buttons. We localize other buttons, such as the "remove" and "cancel" buttons.
Dojo example.
The aria-label value is in English.
The aria-label value is localized.
on https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/upload/async
In the area also available for
the .net core link is broken
If you go there directly the link is
In some of the SASS themes when a file is uploaded, 'Cancel' and 'Upload' buttons are not marked as focused when navigating through Tab key
The 'Upload' and 'Cancel' buttons are not styled as focused
The 'Upload' and 'Cancel' buttons should be styled as focused
It appears that the Upload control is not including the header: X-Requested-With when using it in Async mode. Omitting this header is a departure from the way the other controls behave in asnyc mode. It's inconsistent and leads developers to not be able to rely on features/behaviors of the supplied the controls.
Please consider adding this header as it will bring this control functionally in-line with the behavior of other controls running in async mode.
The Upload popup is not opened if you click near the button's border
The select popup does not open
The select popup should open
Scenario 1: When you first select an invalid file and then a valid one, the upload button appears but does nothing.
Scenario 2: When you select a valid file and then an invalid one, if you hit the upload button, the widget will try to upload the invalid one and produce a server error.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
The Button appears but does nothing
Scenario 2
The widget attempts to Upload the invalid file and produces an error
Upload of invalid files shouldn't occur and no errors should be thrown;
A non-responding Upload button shouldn't appear.