We need an option to make the datasource immediately drop the current in-flight data fetch request if another one comes in. Currently, if the user clicks around several times in a row changing grid datasource parameters too quickly, several requests get fired off, but the grid waits for the very first request to complete before issuing the next one. This makes the user's wait time twice as long and also makes the grid content appear to switch back and forth as requests complete one after another. Very unpleasant effect.
Right aligned columns are common for number fields and it would be nice to simply set a property in HTML and/or the view-model: E.g { "field": "amount", "align": "right", "title": "Amount", "width": "110" }
This feature was already requested in another post, but it was missunderstood. (http://kendoui-feedback.telerik.com/forums/127393-kendo-ui-feedback/suggestions/11578722-support-sorting-datasource-groups) The idea is to allow for Groups in DataSources to be sorted in ways other than alphabetically; this will allow for certain groups to be given priority.
When using aggregates, it should be possible to define your own aggregate function, or even set it globally for kendo, so it could be used in other places. i.e. currently you can only specify the function name like 'sum', 'avg', etc. with this idea you could give the whole function like function(arguments...) {} Also from what I saw it would be nice to have the `functions` object from kendo.data.js accessible, so you could add your custom functions, like: `kendo.data.aggregate_functions['median'] = function(arguments...) {}`
Please consider adding support for the new improved Signalr core to be used as an async data source and or server side rpc which would allow for greater mvvm spa applications
"WebAPI now uses the DateTimeOffset time as a main type when it comes to dates. However DateTimeOffet requires the Model(that the dataSource creates) to keep information for both Date and Offset which is not possible with the current architecture of the DataSource and Model of Kendo." Based on http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/helpers/grid/how-to/oData-v4-web-api-controller Please add full support, also when working with Dates. Thanks.
Add sort/filter events or add an extra parameter in the 'change' event object so that we can detect if a data source was filtered or it was sorted.(Mostly needed when working with grids)
Wish to have a "reset" or "clear" method to restore a DataSource object to it's initial unpopulated state--specifically when used behind a search text box, and need to clear the datasource when the user removes all search text.
The DataSource API currently includes the methods pushCreate, pushDestroy, and pushUpdate. These methods roughly correspond to add, remove, and set. Unfortunately there is no pushInsert to enable adding new items to the data source at a specific position. Adding such a method would be consistent with the existing add/remove/insert methods.
Possibility to add filters to hierarchical datasource, that execute recursively. Use case: In TreeView we need to search for some element text, we need to see elements that contain some text and their parents expanded. Filtering could be usefull here.
dataSource: { type: "odata", typeversion: "3" }
Replace the current implementation of ObservableObject/ObservableArray with the new js features Object.observe/Array.observe.
this.dataSource.sync().done(function(){//fire after...}).fail(function(){//any time on fail...});
One should be able to group by a specified field, and then sort the groups themselves NOT by that field but by another field. For instance, it is currently not possible to sort data by its name but order it by its date.
In order to clearly identify if a datasource operation is successful, two alternatives are possible: 1. Add success event to the datasource in order to get datasource operations separated from update, destroy, add. 2. Enhance change event by error array. Currently, the change even is fired even in case of an error. So, at least an error array containing error messages should be available, together with a property "hasErrors".
As discussed here: http://www.kendoui.com/forums/framework/mvvm/min-max-bindings-for-datepicker-and-timepicker.aspx Provide a way to bind the minimum and maximum dates to a model, so that changing the model changes the min and max dates. This would be useful in creating a date range selector where the start date must be prior to the end date.
Though KendoUI already has an MVVM style binding, it would be much better to have a css binding allowing us to set class on HTML elements based on arbitrary conditions. Just look at the Knockoutjs css binding.
It is possible to retrieve IEnumerable collection from DataSourceResult, but there is no option to get IQueryable collection that has not been evaluated. I think it might be helpful to use filters from grid that can be used to generate a query.