It would be very useful and much appreciated to have more events for the TextBox widget.
Simple standard events to could be:
Thank you so much for a great product!
The NumericTextBox has a property called selectOnFocus which allows you to select the entire value when you click inside the input.
My request is to have this feature in other inputs as well.
The height of the TextBox is too small when using a LESS theme
Open the TextBox demo and use the Default LESS theme
The height of the widget is too small:
The height should be the same as the one used in the SASS themes.
The floating label overlaps the value of the Textbox when it is set programmatically.
The floating label is placed over the text and the latter becomes unreadable.
The floating label should be displayed over the input field.
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the Change event to have the relatedTarget by default within its event arguments to help with finding what the next item in focus.
Thank you!
After clearing the Kendo UI TextBox with the clear button, the cleared value will still remain as the TextBox's value.
The value will be the cleared value.
The value after clearing should be empty.