Last Updated: 30 Sep 2020 12:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Maikel
Comments: 2
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Bug Report


I've implemented the DateRangePicker in our software and I noticed that the selection of the DateRangePicker has a slide different behavior to the Angular DateRangePicker.
This behavior is also reproducible in the demo website.

Select a range. Alter range to the new values. First, update '03-11-2019' -> '04-11-2019'. Second, update '09-11-2019' -> ''

First selection:
Start date: 03-11-2019
End date: 09-11-2019

Now I want to update this range to:

Start date: 04-11-2019
End date: 16-11-2019

Start date: 16-11-2019
End date: null
When I select the start date, it's updated as expected (04-11-2019) but selecting the new end date (16-11-2019), sets the a new start date instead of the end date. As described by the result values.

Last Updated: 06 Jun 2022 08:07 by ADMIN


I am experiencing problems with the k-ng-model binding on the DateRangePicker.

I made a Dojo example. Scenario and working / not working example included.


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2022 14:26 by ADMIN

When you spin up a DateRangePicker it looks like there are two independent date picker controls but unfortunately they act as a set.  the user selects the first (from) date picker and it forces them to select the to range as well.

It would be much better for users if the datepickers were independent of each other with built in range verification logic.

for some users the other way might make more sense but for alot it is confusing.