Last Updated: 02 Mar 2023 13:58 by ADMIN
Release R2.2023-Increment.1(15.Mar.2023)
Created by: Stephen
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Bug Report

A MaskedTextBox where the initial value is invalid(e.g. unsanitized data from some source, data saved prior to implementing mask, etc) throws "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'removeClass')" during initialization which breaks the entire page due to the interruption.

Introduced in 2021 R3(2021.3.914) where it "crashes" due to the value being set and the error being triggered *before* the _validationIcon is initialized.

Here are dojo examples showing the problem:

2021.2.616: Invalid initial value gracefully initializes the widget and simply doesn't display the invalid value.

2021.3.914: Invalid initial value "crashes" and prevents the rest of the page from initializing.




Last Updated: 08 Nov 2022 21:15 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.1(09.Nov.2022)


Just upgraded our version from 2022.1.119 to 2022.2.802.
A user just called us that they can't use our maskedtextboxes anymore.

After further inspection it seems the control is now broken when using client side validation, more specifically the maxlength one.


When the length of the mask >= the max length (from the validation), then you can only replace characters. Normal key inputs don't work anymore.
If you look at the example, when you focus the inputfield, you can no longer type in it.
If you were to increase the maxlength validation by one, then the maskedtextbox will work as expected again.


Last Updated: 06 Jan 2022 14:13 by ADMIN
Created by: navapon
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to allow the Kendo UI MaskedTextBox to show specific characters when it is set to type "password".  This way, it retains the mask with asterisks, but also displays any characters like hyphens.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 17 Nov 2021 08:26 by ADMIN

1. Navigate to:

2. Enter a space in maskedtextbox

Result: space is accepted as a valid character 

Expected: space should be prevented


Workaround: Use '\u2000' for promptChar instead of space


Last Updated: 05 May 2021 10:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Akesh Gupta
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
It would be amazingly helpful if the MaskedTextBox _mask and _unmask functions could be made accessible like kendo.format and kendo.toString...
var value = '5189609249',
mask = '(###) ###-####',
maskedValue = kendo.mask(value, mask),
unmaskedValue = kendo.unmask(maskedValue, mask);

Last Updated: 01 Jul 2019 08:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Greeshma
Comments: 3
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request

I had a look at the Dojo Demo and made some changes to have prefix to the maskedtext. But on the first load if there are no match to the masked Text in this example an empty string , the prefix does not appear until unless clicked on the input. This causes a problem because the input should have the prefix regardless of any event occurring on it., and not null

Is there any way I can have the input populated with the prefix on load if the value has no match in masked text.


Last Updated: 03 Feb 2022 11:45 by ADMIN
Created by: René
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Lets take the Credit Card Input on the Example-Page:

It's prefilled with

1234 1234 1234 1234

When my Number is 1234 1299 1234 1234 i don't want to type it all again, but i set my focus behind the second 2 and start Typing 99

focus: 1234 12|34 1234 1234

value after typing: 1234 1299 3412 3412

expected value: 1234 1299 1234 1234

The MaskedTextbox seems to insert typed characters and push every other input down in the Mask. But since i am having a Mask when i move to a position, i want to overwrite that single place - leaving the rest of the input intact. 
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 12:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
The read-only property available on most kendo input fields isn't obvious enough for the end user that a field is disabled. It is a source of confusion as it makes the form look broken rather than read-only. Adding k-state-disabled is important from a form readability perspective, thus it would be very helpful if that class was made available on dropdown lists and masked textboxes so they match the textboxes on forms without having to selectively apply additonal CSS.
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2017 11:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Gal
Comments: 3
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Date/DateTime/Time pickers need to have a mask automaticly for the date format entered currently users need to type the "/" instead of a mask "__/__/____"  like in telerik ajax. 
I know there is this link

With a solution but this is a workaround and not a built in solution supported by telerik.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 13:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Anthony
Comments: 3
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Given a pattern of "90:00", if someone types '2:' it will presently reject the ':'
What would be better is a pattern of "9?0:00" where the '?' indicates an optional character. Then if someone types "2:" it could recognize the optional character and automatically insert a space. 
  The same would apply for dates, e.g. "00/00/0000", would become "0?0/0?0/0000" and then you could type "2/4/2015" and it would insert the spaces
  The benefit of this is that the user can see what format is expected but can also type in a faster manner
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 13:51 by ADMIN
For certain web pages that require editing speed while using masked input controls, it slows down data entry when a user clicks on a masked input expecting the text cursor to be where they clicked when instead it highlights the entire text box.
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 14:12 by ADMIN
Instead of only supporting single character masks, I suggest support be added for group masks.


     mask: "HH:MM TT",
     rules: {
               "HH" : /^(([0]?[1-9])|([1][0-2]))/,
               "MM": /(([0-5][0-9])|([1-9]))/,
               "TT": /[AaPp][Mm]$/


     mask: "t",
     rules: {
               "t" : /^(([0]?[1-9])|([1][0-2])):(([0-5][0-9])|([1-9])) [AaPp][Mm]$/
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2021 10:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Method to modify mask in MaskedTextbox