Last Updated: 25 Oct 2021 06:36 by ADMIN
Would like to have the view scroll to show the events for the current time rather than the first allowable time.  Example, let's say the current time is 1:30pm, would like the view scroll to 1:30pm rather than 12:00am when the page is loaded or refreshed
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2021 06:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Kanav
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
I am using KendoUI - free version  for schedulers. Everything is working perfectly except Partial Postback. My Client Wants Partial Postback when the calender is filtered or new Event is created ....I have implemented the Ajax but somehow its not working completely - the scheduler does not rebind with new values, its state does not changes ... . However, data is being updated with the partial postback in the database.  I am running on a strict timeline.... so any help would be great.

Thank you in advance.
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2021 12:27 by ADMIN
Created by: sitefinitysteve
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
If I am on "Day" view and looking at the business hours of 8-4 (default view)...however an important event is set at'd have to click into full day mode to even know it was there.  The databinding is such that the "day" should have that 5pm object already on the clientside...

I'd like some sort of visual indicator that there's more to see.
Last Updated: 28 Sep 2021 09:58 by ADMIN
Created by: JoPi
Comments: 2
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Can you add a Status Bar to scheduler appointments as per the winforms scheduler & Outlook.
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2021 13:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
In date pickers in scheduler and occurence editor to easily be configured to show week numbers.
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2021 06:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Currently, if the message for the allday events in the Scheduler is on multiple lines the height of the cell containing the message and the header row in the Day view is not the same. There is a white bar below the header row. Here is a Dojo.

I would like to have the possibility to set the Allday message to be on multiple lines and the height of the cell containing the message to be consistent with the header row.

Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021 04:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Tom
Comments: 6
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
When using the Scheduler with multiple resources, the day, week and work week views become unresponsive as a result of the view loading all of the resources.

The following dojo demonstrates this

It would be good if the Scheduler could be configured to allow virtual scrolling so that resources can be loaded at the point of scrolling down the view.

An example of why this might be required is:
- You have two lists of resources, one for projects and one for staff
- You would like to group the events by resource and see which member of staff they are assigned to and to which job they belong to.
- This would allow you to easily re-assign events to different members of staff or to different projects by dragging and dropping.
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2021 08:34 by ADMIN
Created by: James
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
A feature that allows the events in the Scheduler to have their ‘margin-bottom’ property assigned programmatically. This is required to support custom events with a border-width > 1px. 

Currently, the code calculating event position assumes the border-width on events will be 1px, and it works perfectly when that assumption is correct. Increasing the border-width results in events overlapping each other, which is something I’d like to avoid.
Last Updated: 08 Sep 2021 07:55 by ADMIN
Allow the table cells for the days in the Scheduler year view to be customized using a template with access to the day's events. Alternatively, alter the markup so that the table cells include the date in the markup, e.g. data-date="2021-09-01" so they can be targeted in the dataBound event.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 11:05 by Sergey

Bug report

In a scenario when an event is dragged and is not saved due to an error while updating, or in case saving is prevented, next time when the user tries to drag the same event, the event hint will be misplaced.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open one of the following Dojo examples:
  1. Try to drag the same event multiple times

Current behavior

The second time the same event is being dragged its hint is rendered in a wrong place. In case the same event is dragged multiple times, the hint is getting more and more away from the original position.

Expected/desired behavior

The event hint should always be rendered starting from the event's position.


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.2.616
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 06:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Jose Maria
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
When editing a recurring event it can occur than the POST call (the one that creates the exception) finishes well, but the PUT one fails. In this case the exception is created but the new event is not created, causing that the final user thinks that the event disappeared (and causing an inconsistency in database).
It would be great if the scheduler could be configured to make one single call with the data of the master event and the new one in the same post, atomicly.
Moreover, if it is needed to perform remote validation when resizing or moving one event of a serie (the same scenario as the previous one) it would be much more easier to do it with that single call model.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 05:32 by ADMIN
When setting the color for a Scheduler event resource, allow for a CSS class instead of a simple color.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 05:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
The kendo scheduler allows you to generate templates, but the events will not stretch  dynamically to display the contents. If the event heights had additional height controls like filling a row from top to bottom instead of forcing white space below the events  it would give more real-estate inside the plugin without taking up more overall space on the screen.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 05:16 by ADMIN
Created by: John
Comments: 7
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
When using the scheduler and you have a lot of all day events, the widget resizes to allow for all the all day events but then collapses the remaining day hours down to a scrollable view.  If you want the scheduler to fit on the screen without a browser scrollbar, the hours section is rendered virtually useless.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 05:10 by ADMIN
The timeline control currently restricts the users to select events from only one group. It must allow selection across the groups.

It does not make any sense in restricting the user to a group.

Also to deselect an event from selected events is not possible and the user has to deselect all the events and start from scratch. This seems to be a bug with this tool.
Last Updated: 02 Sep 2021 07:52 by ADMIN
For the moment the current time mark is only visible at the first column, for a better user experience the mark should be across the widget
Last Updated: 26 Aug 2021 11:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Cécile
Comments: 2
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
I'd really appreciate it if it were possible to include special slot when using Kendo scheduler in JQuery. I'm trying to create zones contai
Last Updated: 26 Aug 2021 10:59 by ADMIN
Proposal: Add a property/function that specifies the resource group to take the task's background color from.
Last Updated: 26 Aug 2021 10:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Roger
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Add a property to the Kendo Scheduler called something like allowOverlap (true/false) as an easy way to allow or disallow overlapping events based on event start & end on the scheduler timeline.  An alternative could be an "onOverlap" event.

Last Updated: 26 Aug 2021 10:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
In the scheduler add the posibility to draw events in event (parent/child).
The child will be limited by the dates on its parent.