Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to incorporate adding a reference to the model for group cells in the Kendo UI Scheduler. Perhaps using a uid for the cell may help.
Thank you!
Reproducible in the Events demo.
Also reproducible when selecting the slots from right to left (Wed to Mon) and then selecting the last slot (Mon).
The behavior is identical when selecting slots in a specific day, e.g. selecting and dragging from 8:00 to 10:00 and then selecting the last slot (9:30-10:00).
The change event does not fire.
The change event fires.
In Scheduler event, if the eventTemplate has a table, the add event is triggered when editing an existing task, resulting that both popups open and close instantly.
Open this dojo example. Choose an event and click the span containing the text "I have some icons here".
The add event popup shows together with the edit event popup.
Only the edit event popup should be displayed.
When the user tries to set a repeat rule for an event, the spinners for the NumericTextBoxes are not displayed
The spinners are not displayed. Also, the calendar icon is not displayed.
The following classes should be applied only to the parent element: k-recur-interval, k-recur-count, k-recur-until
The spinners and the calendar icon should be visible
edit: function(e){
$('[name="recurrenceRule"] .k-button-group-stretched button').click(function(){
Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/iVExeNek
If you resize the DevTools pane after destroying the Scheduler, a "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getKendoToolBar')" error is thrown.
Regression introduced with 2022.2.621
An error is thrown after resizing the pane.
No error should be thrown after resizing the pane.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the inclusion of a PDF template property to allow the printed PDF page to have a custom layout like the Kendo UI Grid's page-template in this live demo. For example, adding a title to the top of the page.
Thank you!
Currently, when interacting with the "More Events" button:
The widget navigates to the "Day View" by default - if it happens to be present. It would be beneficial if there is a configuration that allows explicitly dictating the navigation behavior.
Describe the bug
When there is an event that lasts multiple days, but is not an all-day event the title and the up arrow overlap, thus it makes the reading of the title harder.
To reproduce
Open the Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/IruYeGEc
Expected behavior
The arrow and the title should be rendered with some margin
margin-top: 8px !important;
Affected package (please remove the unneeded items)
Affected suites (please remove the unneeded items)
Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)
If a Scheduler event's start time is set differently than :00 or :30, the event will be dropped in an incorrect slot when snap is enabled. The start time in the hint is also incorrect.
The event will be placed at 2:19 AM instead of at 2:00 AM
The event should be placed at the dropped slot.
When a recurring event is created in a Scheduler and the id is not set to the event, then if the event is deleted an error is thrown in the console.
3.1. 'kendo.all.js:311085 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startTimezone')' is thrown
3.2. 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading recurrence exception)' is thrown in the console
There should be no errors in the console although the deleted event is without id being set. There could be some more descriptive message.
If the snap
option is set at runtime the drag hint of the events starts having wrong height.
After changing the snap option at runtime as a result the drag hint height is correct when the snap is set to false, but it has wrong height when the snap is enabled.
The drag hint should have the same height as the dragged event.
move: function(e){
var dragHintEl = $('.k-event-drag-hint')
var dataUid = $('.k-event-drag-hint').attr('data-uid')
var event = $('.k-event[data-uid="'+ dataUid +'"]:not(.k-event-drag-hint)')
var height = $(event).height()
Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/aZArEdof
If an all-day event is resized to multiple days and then the user tries to resize the event back to one day, the event is not always resized.
The issue is occasionally reproducible and does not occur for all all-day events. The event is resized back only if the user tries to drag the mouse down and then resize. Here is a screencast - https://somup.com/cZeX6QpRlX.
It should be possible to resize back the all-day events back to one-day duration without moving the mouse down.
Currently the Scheduler has no option to limit the axis of the drag and drop.
Kendo.Draggable already has this feature, however setting it in the scheduler has no effect.
in this dojo i have a little workaround to achieve this behavior.
When the mobile option of the Scheduler is set to true and the user double click/double-tap the Edit dialog is opened, but when saving the event, the following error is thrown in the console:
'Cannot read property 'isOccurrence' of undefined'
An error is thrown in the console (screencast)
There should be no error in the console
If you configure a Scheduler's endTime (e.g. 16:15), and you have an event that ends past that endTime (e.g. 16:30), the event will not be properly visible.
The Tennis Practice event is only briefly visible
The event should be visible respecting the view's endTime
When no height is set to the Scheduler the grouping does not expand in height to the rendered month views.
Actual: https://dojo.telerik.com/UhoxowEh
Expected: https://dojo.telerik.com/UPiGosik
### Bug report
When typing in the built-in search box of the Scheduler, the spacebar does not insert a blank space as expected.
### Reproduction of the problem
Type in any word in the search tool and press the spacebar.
A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/search-events
When using Kendo version 2021.3.1109 in the same scenario, the spacebar opens the Popup form for event editing.
A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/irUKIsEc
### Expected/desired behavior
When you press the spacebar, it should insert a blank space.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]
As for the current version of the Telerik Scheduler, if using the Adaptive Rendering Mode for the Scheduler
the Adaptive Slot Height feature (https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/adaptive-slot-height) does not work for a mobile screen in a Month view. Due to this, there is no opportunity to dynamically change the height of the slots in a Month view so that they can fit the events in the specific slot. Thus, in case dots standing for the events in a month view are customized and replaced by regular events, the scheduler cells do not change their height to account for the events number. The only options to display all the events per day in a month view on a small screen are now either to make the height of all scheduler cells really big (not user friendly) or decrease the height of the events depending on their number to fit them in a cell (not desirable behavior).
Taken all this into consideration, adaptive rendering mode needs the same adaptive slot height feature which exists now only for a regular mode of the scheduler.
I'm having some erratic behavior when displaying recurring events in the scheduler when the browser is Safari and in other browsers when the device is an ipad.
The recurring events don't show on the presentation table, but if I force several clicks in the presentation table with the intention of creating a new event and then canceling, they sometimes are rendered in the right slots. After they are rendered if I click the presentation table they disappear again.
If I check the scheduler dataSource data the events are there to be shown.
I tried to replicate the same behavior with the scheduler demo that you have available and I couldn't replicate it. But then I realized that in my case only recurring events won't show up. My hint was that the problem was with the recurrence rule. I created a dojo sample with my recurrence rule and then the bug appeared.
Concluding it seems that for some recurrence rules the recurring events may have problems to be rendered in the presentation table.
Here is a dojo sample replicating the problem that I describe:
How can I resolve this problem or have a potential fix?
Kind regards,
Marco Miranda.