jQuery version has MeasuresAxis allows to switch measures between 'columns' and 'rows', can you please provide the same feature on Angular version.
See kendo.data.PivotDataSourceMeasureOptions.axis for reference from jQuery version or https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/data/pivotdatasource/configuration/measures#measuresaxis
I want to get the configuration used by PivotGrid component with rows, columns, filters, etc. My target is get this configurations from component, store them in my database and after give them to pivotgrid when users reopen it.
It would be great if there was a built-in feature for the PivotGrid that allows saving and restoring the component's state.
Provide a count aggregate for PivotGrid, just like the Grid does:
The cell template would be a good addition to the PivotGrid component allowing developers to customize the cell content.
Thank you for your consideration.
Please provide an option to expand row axes by default. The functionality should allow rendering the row axes expanded just as if they were expanded by clicking on their expand arrow.
Thank you.
Adding a cellClick event to the component would be a valuable enhancement for developers to utilize.Hi,
The inclusion of grouping support in the PivotGrid would be a valuable enhancement. This could potentially involve enabling drag-and-drop functionality for grouping, and it could also be integrated into the configurator for added convenience.
It will be a nice addition to the PivotGrid toolkit to have a built-in PDF Export module.
Please provide a feature that will ensure displaying new expandable levels of dimensions only when the previous one is expanded similar to
Currently when using the local binding directive, all configured axes are visible regardless of whether the previous level is expanded or not, and achieving the desired functionality requires non-trivial custom implementation, e.g.:
Please provide more options to filter in PivotGrid, especially for dates and/or date-ranges.
PivotGrid v1.0.2 only supports 6 filter types (contains, doesnotcontain, endswith, eq, neq, startswith, all defined in @progress/kendo-pivotgrid-common/dist/es2015/requests/serializers/filters.js), but basic filters like greater than and less than are not yet supported.
When trying to filter by operator: "ge", it results in an uncaught error in filters.js: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace') at filters.js:55:19