Provide an option to customize the tooltip that appears while dragging a task in the timeline view.
It seems that whenever a task crosses the date where the daylight saving time switch appears everything on the gantt's week view gets shifted by 1 hour.
This stackblitz shows 2 Gantts. The first one has correct positioning, the second one appears to be bugged.
In this picture, you can see that in the 1st Gantt `Item 1` is slightly shifted to the right and covers Thursday and Friday. That's because its date is specified in UTC as `2025-04-03T00:00:00.000Z` which, for me in the UK, will result in `01:00:00.000`.
However, in the second Gantt `Item 1` now fully covers Thursday and doesn't extend to Friday even though the start and end dates are the same as in the first Gantt.
You might get slightly different positioning based on your time zone. The description is written based on the UK time zone.
It also affects drag-and-drop marquee. If you try to drag the right side of item 1, you'll see that it will show Saturday even before it starts covering Saturday.
Expected behaviour: Item 1 has to be positioned identically on both timelines
Kendo timeline range in the gantt can be miscalculated if children have start and end days earlier that their parent.
This happens to due oversight in TimelineBaseViewService.getRange function. Two variables startResult and endResult are calculated using only top-level entities from the supplied data hierarchy.
This stackblitz shows 2 cases.
That's mostly visible on Day and Week timelines, however I believe can be reproduced on monthly and yearly views if the date spread is large enough.
Currently tooltip can be rendered outside of the gantt component if item on the timeline is long enough to be outside of the timeline viewport.
Adjusting [taskTooltipOptions] doesn't help as tooltip will still be outside of the timeline viewport.
Steps to reproduce.
The tooltip data isn't loaded properly when the mouse lands on the item due to the horizontal scroll rather than moving moues manually. This behaviour is mostly noticed on touchpads due to gestures.
See stackblitz.
Steps to reproduce
It's important not to move the mouse, as soon as any action like movement or click happens the tooltip loads the data.
See the attached video.
Provide a way to change the Gantt tasks dates by dragging the edges of each task. Similar to the Kendo UI for jQuery Gantt:
It would be a good addition to the Gantt component if a progress completion indicator is rendered on the tasks as in Kendo UI for jQuery.
Provide the ability to change a task duration by dragging and dropping it at the required position.
Similar to the Kendo jQuery Gantt:
and Gantt Chart from Syncfusion.
Please provide a PDF Export feature for the Gantt.
Also please make the Gantt able to be exported by the PDF Export component.
It will be a good to feature for projects to know their current path and expected path as there are delays in the real world and it will be great to track it in the Gantt tasks.
Explenation of the feature:
Introduce hierarchical "outline" levels in Kendo Angular Gantt, enabling users to expand/collapse tasks and drill down into project details similar to MS Project. This feature will improve project management by providing a clear and organized view of complex task structures.
Video of the functionality -
Please provide a zoom-in/zoom-out functionality of the Gantt component.
It will be a good addition to the component to highlight or color the selected task dependency path. This will avoid user confusion when many task dependency paths are being crossed.
When a task is collapsed, how can I show the child tasks overlapped ontop of each other, rather than just a blank skinny line? When collapsed, I'd like to see all my tasks (and their templates/bars/titles) side-by-side or overlapping (if their startDates and endDates overlap)?
It will be a good addition to the component if printing is supported.