Please provide an option that allows to resize the Scheduler columns similarly to the columns resize functionality of the Grid.
Thank you
Hi Team,
It will be a good addition to the Scheduler if Recurrence Editor Template is added to allow the developers to customize the content inside the Recurrence Editor.
Hy support team,
i am looking to get a year view of a schedueler but it seems to me that the documentation doesnt adress this point.
is there a workarround ?
januray february March April............................................December
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the built-in functionality to configure the appearance of all views to display the times horizontally. I understand it is normally shown like this in the TimeLine View, but it would be nice to have this for other views too.
Thank you!
Provide a template that allows modifying the following time slots for the TimeLine view.
Hello everyone,
are you planning on implementing the feature to select multiple events and drag them onto another date, like it is possible in jQuery?
Or should I open a new Feature Request?
Best regards
Currently, the Scheduler seems to be splitting out overnight shifts, sometimes across two separate weeks in the Agenda view.
Also, my end times are shown as 00:00. Both of these are a problem because we need to show overnight shifts as a single shift, and we need to show the end time along with the start time.
Please provide a feature like the following:
Thanks and regards
Please provide an option that allows to completely hide (not render) specific weekdays from the Scheduler views.
Thank you
When using Group By Resource, can we expose the associated resource(s) to the date
For example given
We would have
* { date: 6/20, resource: room 101 }
* { date: 6/21, resource: room 101 }
* { date: 6/20, resource: room 201}
For Angular Kendo Scheduler, if the Work week view is selected (default Mon-Fri), and Sunday is selected on the mini calendar to select the date to display - the previous week will be displayed. This is confusing, as simply toggling to Week view will then display the different, current week.
Expected behaviour: current week on mini calendar corresponds to the current week displayed regardless of whether full week or work week view is selected
Actual behaviour: selecting any day up until the desired "work week's start" (even if it's customized to start on e.g. Tuesday - and selecting Monday) will show previous week; switching then to full week view switches the week displayed to the one selected on mini calendar
Curiously, this does not happen for Kendo scheduler for JQuery (
Please add templates that allow customizing the loading indicators for the Scheduler and Autocomplete components (and any other component that has a loading indicator). Such templates would be similar to the kendoGridLoadingTemplate available in the Grid.
Thank you
It will be a good feature to provide a way to change the content of the date headers in the Scheduler as currently, the kendoSchedulerDateHeaderTemplate doesn't support the month view.
Add supporting Angular ng-show/ng-hide on kendo scheduler template
Hi there,
Currently the scheduler lacks built in capabilities to handle holidays or, disabling arbitrary days.
The idea is to provide an array of holidays (date and title for example) and have the scheduler automatically disable this dates and properly highlight them in all views so the user is aware he/she can't create events in those.