Hi Team,
I'd like to request the built-in functionality to configure the appearance of all views to display the times horizontally. I understand it is normally shown like this in the TimeLine View, but it would be nice to have this for other views too.
Thank you!
The Scheduler Agenda view is cut when opened on a mobile device. The scheduler cannot be scrolled horizontally.
Please refer to the attached image.
Provide a way to be able to see all events in Agenda view on small resolutions.
For Angular Kendo Scheduler, if the Work week view is selected (default Mon-Fri), and Sunday is selected on the mini calendar to select the date to display - the previous week will be displayed. This is confusing, as simply toggling to Week view will then display the different, current week.
Expected behaviour: current week on mini calendar corresponds to the current week displayed regardless of whether full week or work week view is selected
Actual behaviour: selecting any day up until the desired "work week's start" (even if it's customized to start on e.g. Tuesday - and selecting Monday) will show previous week; switching then to full week view switches the week displayed to the one selected on mini calendar
Curiously, this does not happen for Kendo scheduler for JQuery (https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/index):
Add a template that would allow customizing the empty cells in the header section of the Scheduler component (e.h. in multi-day-view).
Related ticket: 1562343
I am looking for the ability to alter the date range in the month view such that a month view for TODAY - 3/24/2022 would show 3/20 - 3/26. Where TODAY would be in the first row of date slots that get rendered.
We need a "month view" that can not have the first week rendered vary by date. (outlook calendar month view does this) see attached.
(for further reference please see private support thread: 1443943)
Currently, the all-day events that last for more than 24 hours can be displayed only in the specific all-day row. Please provide an option that allows displaying the all-day events in the Scheduler main view as well.
Please provide a function that allows getting the next occurrence of a recurring event similar to the following functionality in Kendo UI for jQuery
Providing a footer template for the Scheduler component will be a valuable addition to customizing the component.
Thank you.
Hy support team,
i am looking to get a year view of a schedueler but it seems to me that the documentation doesnt adress this point.
is there a workarround ?
januray february March April............................................December
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Hi Team,
It will be a good addition to the Scheduler if Recurrence Editor Template is added to allow the developers to customize the content inside the Recurrence Editor.
DragEventEnd.Resources contains the resources associated with the slot at the end of the drag.
It would be great if we could get the resources associated with the slot at start of the drag.
For example in the given stackblitz, we want to drag from Alex to Charlie, and this would update the event attendees to Bob and Charlie.
We can only do this if we know what the resource we started with and the resource we ended at.
If we have more all-day events, the entire screen takes up the space for that, and reaching to scheduler table is not a good experience and sometimes we can't even scroll up to that block.
Improvements are needed for the Scheduler view slots as well, for example, if a month view slot has many events:
When using Group By Resource, can we expose the associated resource(s) to the date
For example given
We would have
* { date: 6/20, resource: room 101 }
* { date: 6/21, resource: room 101 }
* { date: 6/20, resource: room 201}
Provide an option for hierarchical grouping in Kendo Angular Scheduler as jQuery does:
Please, consider adding an option that makes the corresponding groups collapsible.
Provide the ability to drag and drop items from Grid to Scheduler:
Please provide an option that allows to completely hide (not render) specific weekdays from the Scheduler views.
Thank you
Hi Team,
It will be a good feature to have the ability to hide/remove the toolbar and footer toolbar of the Scheduler component.
Provide a built-in property for customizing the Repeat On DropDownList options: