We need feature like copy data from excel and paste it directly into the kendo grid for angular.
It would be nice to have a builder for complex filter in the grid like that: https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/FilterBuilder/Angular/Light/Compact/
Can we get an option to set default all collapsed when using the directive?
It seems to be not compatible with the provided methods.
Using the `kendoGridGroupBinding` directive in combination with the `kendoGridExpandGroupBy` directive or the `isGroupExpanded` callback is not supported. To use grouping with the `kendoGridGroupBinding` directive, set the Grid `groupable` property to `true`
I have a grid cell with filter set to menu. So the popup appears with the list of default operators that are needed to be included in the popup.
Something like below:
<kendo-filter-eq-operator> </kendo-filter-eq-operator>
<kendo-filter-neq-operator> </kendo-filter-neq-operator>
<kendo-filter-gte-operator> </kendo-filter-gte-operator>
<kendo-filter-lte-operator> </kendo-filter-lte-operator>
<kendo-filter-isnull-operator> </kendo-filter-isnull-operator>
<kendo-filter-isnotnull-operator> </kendo-filter-isnotnull-operator>
What i am trying to achieve is to add another operator like 'In' that can accept comma separated values. Something like:
<kendo-filter-in-operator> </kendo-filter-in-operator>
I have looked at the doc (https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/grid/filtering/filter-row/#toc-custom-filter-row-components/)
But i dont see a custom filter operator example.
Could you please let me know if its possible to do that or is there anyway i can achieve this.
Hi Dimiter,
I have experience creating column groups at the top of a kendo grid, but I would now like to do something similar with row groups. I have attached a screenshot of an example of what I would like to accomplish. Is this possible with Kendo Grid?
we have a lot of clients requesting two features for the KendoGrids:
1st) A second horizontal scrollbar on top of the grid, scrolling smoothly in parallel with the bottom one.
2nd) Sticky / fixed headers to be able to always see the header row. Somethine like this: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/grid/columns/sticky/ but for the top labels row.
Please provide a way to control the grouping operation whether it is performed case sensitive or case insensitive. One option would be to add an ignoreCase property to the GroupDesciptor similar to the FilterDescriptor.
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the Grid to have resize sensors to be able to determine when the Grid height changes.
Thank you!
I believe it would be a great addition and simplification, if there were getOptions/setOptions methods at GridComponent to imperatively access/restore grid state (visibility, column order, sort order, filter, ...). These are also available at Kendo UI for jQuery.
I know, all the settings may be set using *ngFor and *ngIf directives, but that approach requires a lot of attribute remapping (from component instance to template) which doesn't feel right, especially when using column templates and and a lot of grid features.
Thank you,
Please add support for bulk selection (as well as bulk deselection) using Shift+Click when in checkboxOnly mode.
Alternatively, it would be useful to have access to a setting to allow Shift+Click bulk selection/deselection when in checkboxOnly mode.