Last Updated: 13 Mar 2024 15:14 by ADMIN

Currently angular will fail builds due to type check if kendo-timepicker value is null/undefined.

It requires it to always be a date - making it impossible to have initially empty values or to even reset the selection/value and show a placeholder.

Even the documentation for placeholder says:

Specifies the hint the TimePicker displays when its value is `null`.

private _value: Date = null;

@Input() public set value(value: Date)

But the input does not allow this. Even the property is defined in a way that would fail type checks in any newer angular project (strict mode is the default).

The only workaround currently is to  disable type check with $any()

Last Updated: 29 Sep 2020 06:54 by ADMIN
Created by: Andre Beauchamp
Comments: 1
Category: TimePicker
Type: Feature Request

Since we are using ionic, all scrollable kendo items (such as dropdownlist and timepicker) are being closed by ionic in an interraction issue.
We patched the dropdownlist by using the popupSettings appendTo to put the content of the dropdownlist outside of the zone of influence of ionic to manually stop the propagation of the scrolling event back to ionic.

In short, we would like to get the appendTo settings for the timepicker component. (And any other scrolling component!)

