When using the "checkBy" attribute to configure the data field for the key definition, then the indeterminate state of parent nodes is broken.
To reproduce the issue have a look to this StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-okpokx
When you have a very long list of items to display in the tree view its not always ideal to have a vertical scroll. In order to better utilize space and allow for the user to see more options on the screen at once it would be nice to have a configuration to allow for the list to be split up into columns. So for example if you have a list of 90 items, you can maybe have 3 columns of 30 items each. Please see the attached image that demonstrates what I am referring too.
The Kendo Silverlight does have something similar: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/silverlight/controls/radtreeview/how-to/create-horizontal-treeview
We are facing a notable poor performance in tree view when loading about 1500 tree nodes with custom template and it is taking approximately 32 Seconds to load it. You have already provided load more option to virtualize data but this is not so user friendly and suggested listview which has virtualization also not good fit to replace treeview. I wonder how this virtual scroll is missed in tree view!!. It is very important component to our project If you could provide this feature will be great.
Thanks& regards,
Ramesh M
Please provide a built - in feature that allows to achieve the behavior demonstrated at the following link:
thank you
The tree view enables us to drag and drop one item at a time. we have a scenario where i want to drag and drop multiple items. tree view also enables multiple selection of items but not supporting drag and drop of multiple items. Could you please provide some solution to dag and drop multiple items
Thanks& regards,
Ramesh M
My suggestion for the Angular treeview is to expose a doubleClick event, as opposed to just the single click event (or the selection node event). This would help in preventing events from firing unless the user has double clicked a node (as an option).
Add the posibility to expand all nodes in a TreeView component.