Same functionality as jQuery upload at
File upload with drag/drop area
The current upload component does not support chunking or streaming which is important when dealing with large files.
Please provide an option that allows to upload a directory by selecting it or by dragging and dropping it similar to the upload directory functionality of the Kendo UI for jQuery Upload:
Thank you
Provide an async mechanism to confirm action before removing files (eg. using Observables).
At the moment you can specify a template and make a download link yourself. But then you loose the pretty visualization, including upload progress etc. Would be nice if you can specify a download url or download method to trigger when one of the uploaded files is clicked.
I'm interested in the uploadFiles function of the Kendo UI Upload for Angular component, but I don't see any examples anywhere on invoking this. Could someone please share an example on the documentation pages?
I would like to have possibility to provide service extending angular's http service to perform API calls.
We want to upload file on click of any kendo button or Kendo icon button.
We don't want the drag and drop feature in that. On click of a button, it will ask us to select a file and on click of OK, that file will be auto-update or thumbnail of that file shown besides to that button.
There are cases where the drag & drop area is not used.
The purpose of the 'compact' option is to remove the drag & drop area and leave just the 'Select files' button, like defining:
<input type="file" />
There appears to be a allowedExtensions (Whitelist) but not a disallowedExtensions(Blacklist) link to docs
public uploadRestrictions: FileRestrictions = {
allowedExtensions: ['.jpg', '.png'],
Change the tabindex of input tag from - 1 to 0. So that enter key press will work with screen reader tools.
Alt+Enter is working but screen reader reading like "To activate press Enter".
To reproduce :
Would be great if the various pieces of the Upload were more modular so devs didn't have to dig through and copy a bunch of source code into their project just to add a couple of buttons to the control (like validation messages, file text, icons, progressbar, etc). Feels like the control is kind of half-baked.
I think the most common scenario is that developers just want to tweak the template slightly. It seems like kendoUploadFileInfoTemplate attempted to provide this, but doesn't feel like a complete solution.
That is why I want to request a similar template which preserves all the Upload features but allowing slight modifications, or separate components that represent the uploaded file pieces. Currently, I had to dig into the source code to figure out how to reproduce the status messages and size display. If there were components for these elements that would not be necessary.
Change the tabindex of input tag from - 1 to 0. So that enter key press will work with screen reader tools.
Alt+Enter is working but screen reader reading like "To activate press Enter".
To reproduce :