I need accessibility support for dialog, h2 in the title, role=alertdialog on the window
Would like to be able to set the color on the kendo dialog. We have a mobile application that uses dialogs for error reporting and some times informational reporting. Being able to set the color on the Dialog title bar as well as the button color would be a great feature.
The api should allow for the close of dialog on escape or backdrop click.
Currently there is no way to ged rid of 'x' closing button in top right corner. It can be hacked by css globally, but if using the DialogService yoy can not configure if the closing 'x' should be present or not - that would be nice feature
Currently the dialog cannot be opened without placing the dialog in the component template. For some scenarios like confirm dialogs, providing a service that creates the dialog is more convenient. https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular2/issues/112
I would like to dialog can drag and set position.
The main.js file for all modules seem to be kept in the following file structure: dist/npm/js/main.js however in the dialog module the main,js file is dist/npm/main.js. This inconsistency causes issues when using systemjs and loading the packages this way.