Last Updated: 22 Jun 2021 08:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Samantha
Comments: 2
Category: DatePicker
Type: Feature Request
Currently there is no way to reposition the popup calendar from the date input in the date picker component. We would like to be able to set the alignment attributes like that with the popup component.
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2021 10:20 by ADMIN

Hi team,

It will be a nice addition to Kendo UI for Angular[DatePicker, DateTimePicker, DateRange] components to have the ability to replace the Calendar with a custom component like in the following counterparts  in Kendo UI for React:

1.  DatePicker- https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dateinputs/datepicker/custom-rendering/#toc-customizing-the-calendar

2. DateTimePicker - https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dateinputs/datetimepicker/custom-rendering/#toc-customizing-the-calendar

3. DateRange - https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dateinputs/daterangepicker/custom-rendering/#toc-customizing-the-calendar


Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023 14:50 by Sébastien


Currently when setting a date range with the min and max input properties and typing an out-of-range value won't fire an error. According to the documentation, this is the desired behavior and to prevent this, I should put the date component in a read-only state:


I'd really love it if by typing an out of range value, the DatePicler fires an error instead of preventing the user of typing values by making him go through the calendar.

Thank you

Last Updated: 10 Mar 2022 14:04 by ADMIN

If we format kendo-datepicker to (MMMM/dd/yyyy) and if we enter number of month in input then it is not reflecting and shows month in input field.

As you can see in screenshot, I called (valueChange) event to see the changed value, I have enter 10 in month input field so it shows two value in console, first one is when 1 is press and second is when 0 is pressed after 1 so it gives null and in input field it shows month instead of October.

It is working if we enter first letter of month but it should work if we enter month in number.

Please fix this issue asap.


Last Updated: 07 Nov 2022 14:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Nicolas
Comments: 0
Category: DatePicker
Type: Feature Request
We need a way to allow other characters. For example, if the user enters "5d" we need to parse it to the date, 5 days in the future. This is an import feature we need to provide, but currently the user cannot type in characters like "d".

How can we allow custom inputs and custom parse these inputs?
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:15 by Sandro
Created by: Sandro
Comments: 0
Category: DatePicker
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the adaptiveMode property has 2 possible values -  'none' and 'auto'. Please provide a third setting (for example 'always') that allows the user to configure the adaptive mode of the component to be always enabled regardless of the current screen size. 
Last Updated: 02 May 2024 10:28 by Uwe
Created by: Uwe
Comments: 1
Category: DatePicker
Type: Feature Request

Hi, Team!

I would like to request both prefix and suffix templates that would allow users to display various elements as adornments in the Date Inputs components.