Adding a visible property will be helpful for developers to hide or show items depending on specific conditions or MenuItem collection similar to the disabled property.
So far the ContextMenu component provides a built-in appendTo property which can be used to define the container to which the popup will be appended. But it cannot be used to set a custom container for all ContextMenu popups used in the application.
Provide a way to define a custom global container to which all ContextMenu popups will be appended. The same is provided for the Kendo UI for Angular Popup using the POPUP_CONTAINER:
I would like to customize the direction of my context menu (I would like to always open/expand it to the left).
I looked it up, and it seems there was an option available in the JQuery version called "direction" (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/contextmenu/configuration/direction).
I couldn't find this option in the Angular version that's why I am submitting this feature request.
Thank you
Add the Select Event of the Context-Menu on Item Level:
<kendo-contextmenu [target]="target" showOn="click" (select)="handleSelection($event)">
<kendo-menu-item text="download" icon="k-icon k-i-download" (select)="uploadClick()">
<kendo-menu-item text="upload" icon="k-icon k-i-download" (select)="downloadClick()">
If there would be a "Select" event on the "kendo-menu-item" Component, there would no need for extra code to call the desired function.
At the moment, a handleSelction-function is needed to check the selected item and call the desired action. The (select) on the item does nothing.
public uploadClick(){
public downloadClick() {
public handleSelection(event: ContextMenuSelectEvent) {
if (event) {
if(event.index === "0"){
else {