We are exporting an Excel from a treelist -> there are merged cells, and the table has lots of rows (~20k).
It's taking forever (it's unusable) and the reason is that there is an O(N^2) bug in the toXML function: each row adds a merged cell range, and the mergedCells array is scanned linearly for every new row.
I was able to fix this by adding a mergedCells hash (I would be happy to create a pull request).
Also, as a related issue, it would be nice to be able to change the compression level on the generated zip file, because the default again takes forever for large enough files.
Thank you for providing information about customization using <kendo-grid-message>
We can customize text inside drag a column here.... using <kendo-grid-message>
but in that line I am willing to add column chooser and one icon
i.e in tag <kendo-grid-group-panel> I want to add column chooser and one icon
please find below screen shot, in highlighted areas I want to add mentioned things
I want to replace highlighted areas in tag <kendo-grid-group-panel> as
Please help me for this issue
If ComboBox is used in a form and its required, screen readers will not pick up this information since it is not passed on to the underlying input field.
The example a nice workaround, but a final solution should have this automatically implemented by the control.
Kendo version :
@progress/kendo-angular-buttons: 5.4.1
How to reproduce :
- Add a kendo dropdown button with some items
- Use appendTo='component' popupSetting
- Bind itemClick and close events
Stackblitz example : https://stackblitz.com/edit/kendo-dropdownbuttons-keyboardnavigation?file=app/app.component.ts
What happens :
- If you use arrows to navigate through items, is always skip one item.
- If you use enter or space to select item, the popup close and reopen immediately.
- If you prevent close as in the stackblitz example : enter and space will fire twice the itemClick event.
When setting the [zoom] value in TypeScript the drop down value does not reflect this and remains at the default of 125% even though the PDF is zoomed in/out.
Adjusting the zoom level using the buttons then "corrects" the issue and it displays the right value.
Currently it is possible to override certain messages of the kendo grid with the KendoGridMessages component.
However, this applies the message to the entire grid at once.
For example assume I have a grid with 2 boolean value columns, I would like to override the filter menu IsTrue & IsFalse messages to another string.
This is entirely possible with the KendoGridMessages component.
After the columns in my grid I might put something like this:
This would work if I wanted both boolean filter menus to display Yes & No.
But lets suppose I have set a template for cells in one of the columns like so:
the cells in this column would now display 'Validated' or 'Not Validated' instead of true/false.
It would make more sense for this column filter menu to have 'Validated' & 'Not Validated' instead of the Yes/No message that has been set to the entire grid.
Currently I would have to choose between one or the other strings for the boolean filter, either Yes/No or Validated/Not Validated.
This is a simple example, and in this case using the Yes/No messages for both wouldn't cause a user too much head-ache, but there are plenty of other more complex use cases where not having individual grid messages could cause confusion.
Here is a Stackblitz where I have mocked the grid:
In the above Stackblitz I've mocked what I would expect it to work like.
I would expect that you can add a KendoGridMessages in the grid to set a default, and then on each column override it as necessary with another component or another KendoGridMessages.
Would like the API expanded to include support for adding your own tool(s) that would allow you to tag the selected text with custom html tags.
For example, would like to be able to highlight some text, hit the custom button and then "text goes here" is replaced with "<custom>text goes here</custom>". From some documentation research, it looks like you don't support custom tools that would be able to accomplish this, is that correct?
From this previous post, it states that such a thing is not supported?
Fix ONE of the following:
Required ARIA children role not present: group, option
Element has no aria-busy="true" attribute
When an assistive technology encounters an element with an invalid ARIA attribute value, it might ignore the attribute or respond to it in an unexpected way. As a result, people who use assistive technologies might find the element difficult or impossible to use.
Fix ONE of the following:
Required ARIA children role not present: group, option
Element has no aria-busy="true" attribute
Currently ng-templates can only be added as tags inside a Kendo component's html tag. This forces the developer to use the template feature of an Angular Component.
This limits the flexibility of what you can do for any of these components and forces developers to make them stand alone Angular Components if they need to be used in their code. This is overkill in a lot of instances and while it works great in all the examples it is not practical in every real world situation. Especially if there is a lot of supporting HTML involved.
I have seen several other developers looking for a way to define a template outside of a component for reuse or due to some other dynamic interaction that is required. I believe this is needed throughout the Kendo library.
For example, if I am using the Kendo Splitbutton, the popup should have a class like ".k-split-button-popup". This will make it far easier to style the popups based on their "parent" or "creator".
For now, I am using the popupSettings, but I think it would be beneficial for it to be automatic.
Can we have a word cloud component on the Kendo UI for Angular?
When using any kendo components that uses dialogs from inside an ionic application, all dialogs experience stacking context issues in iOS.
The solution for this at the moment is to tell every single component to append its dialog(s) to a specified container in a bid to better control its visibility.
Right now, not every component have an 'appendTo' setting for its dialogs (ie: Editor) which makes it unusable on iOS devices.
The feature I would like to request is a way to setup the default 'appendTo' container only once from a core service to any and all dialogs.
This would help in not having to add it manually to every single components we use and maybe make it easier for you to make this feature available to more components with less work. I would make it so it applies to the dialog component and service. (or use different methods to setup each differently)
Here's how it could look like :
selector: 'app-mycomponent',
templateUrl: './mycomponent.component.html'
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
public kendoContainer: ViewContainerRef; //This would point to a container.
constructor( private kendoSetupService: SetupService ) {}
ngOnInit() {
//This would affect all components using dialogs as well.
'appendTo': this.kendoContainer
<kendo-dropdownlist [(ngModel)]="data" [popupSettings]="{ 'appendTo': kendoContainer }"></kendo-dropdownlist>
This service could be used to override many of the kendo default behaviors with minimal code footprint in the end.
It could be divided into smaller default services instead if you prefer such as DialogSetupService
Please ensure that ALL kendo components are extended with @Output() onDataBound = new EventEmitter<any|T>();
When printing directly from Angular PDF Viewer results in a blurry printed PDF document. Downloading to PDF and printing does not affect the document
We have a requirement to implement a timezone change in our web application, so when user selects a timezone from combobox all date data should be displayed in selected timezone and datetimepickers should work in this timezone.
Kendo DateTimePicker works with js Date object and it is not possible to set any other timezone than local.
There are some workarounds of how to display datetime in different timezone, but it is not possible to select one in different timezone other than local. And Today and Now buttons also selects date in local timezone.