Last Updated: 14 Feb 2019 15:31 by ADMIN
When MergeField is present in the document, and this merge field is evaluated to an empty string - this, for example, happens when the property in the data source is set to null, empty string, or is missing at all - the result fragment remains in the result document. Instead, it should be removed.

Steps to reproduce: 
- Create document with merge field, the field should contain result fragment, and set data source which contains null or string.Empty value for the field:

            RadFlowDocument document = new RadFlowDocument();
            RadFlowDocumentEditor editor = new RadFlowDocumentEditor(document);

            editor.InsertField("MERGEFIELD FirstName ", "«FirstName»");

            List<Person> source = new List<Person>()
                new Person() { FirstName = string.Empty }

            RadFlowDocument mergedDocument = document.MailMerge(source);
Expected: The result document is empty.
Actual: The result document contains "«FirstName»" string.

Available in LIB Version 2017.3.1120.
Last Updated: 30 Jan 2019 13:49 by ADMIN
If a paragraph is numbered and its last run is underlined, on export to PDF, the numbering will be underlined as well. This does not apply for other formatting options, like font weight and font color. When exported to DOCX the numbering is not underlined.

Item is duplicate of WordsProcessing: List bullets are exported to PDF underlined/highlighted when the last run in the corresponding paragraph is underlined/highlighted
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2019 16:46 by ADMIN
At this point, the dir attribute is respected when applied on p elements. However, it can be defined for the whole document as an attribute of the html element:
<html xmlns="" dir="rtl">
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2019 15:02 by ADMIN
Allow to password-protect a document, so that it cannot be shown (read) without the password. Also, enable opening encrypted documents.

Workaround for encrypting: PdfProcessing can be used to encrypt the document:

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
    PdfFormatProvider pdfProcessingFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
    Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider();
    pdfFormatProvider.Export(flowDocument, ms);
    RadFixedDocument fixedDocument = pdfProcessingFormatProvider.Import(ms);

    using (Stream output = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
        pdfProcessingFormatProvider.ExportSettings.IsEncrypted = true;
        pdfProcessingFormatProvider.ExportSettings.UserPassword = "pass";
        pdfProcessingFormatProvider.ExportSettings.ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Medium;
        pdfProcessingFormatProvider.Export(fixedDocument, output);
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2019 09:45 by ADMIN
Enable customers to create and modify chart objects. The shapes featurе must be implemented before implementing this functionality.
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2019 17:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Cezary
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
The RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties change the size of the cells so they occupy the desired number of rows/columns but doesn't merge them with other cells. It would be more convenient for the customers to have an option to directly merge or split cells.
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2019 13:58 by ADMIN
The properties applied to the paragraph marker are not respected when evaluating the style of the child elements. That leads to exporting the bullets in a list with their default settings when they are applied to the paragraph properties. The issue is reproducible when exporting to PDF and RTF.

Workaround, applicable when the style of all the bullets in the specific list is the same:

Change the style of the list level:
foreach (var paragraph in this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Paragraph>())
    if (paragraph.ListId > -1)
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2019 10:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Bat-Erdene
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for import of <pre> element from HTML.
Currently, the content of the <pre> element is imported, but the whitespaces are not preserved (and this is the main purpose of the <pre> element).
Last Updated: 28 Dec 2018 08:08 by ADMIN

When inserting content in an empty paragraph, the styles applied to it are the default document styles. However, if the properties are present in the last paragraph symbol, the content should inherit them.

Workaround: Copy the properties of the marker after inserting the content:

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2018 15:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Liu
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request

This element specifies the settings for the document grid, which enables precise layout of full-width East Asian language characters within a document by specifying the desired number of characters per line and lines per page for all East Asian text content in this section.

If Latin text is interspersed on this line, then it is placed across the number of grid units needed to fit the
content, but all other grid positions are unaffected.

Last Updated: 07 Nov 2018 13:42 by ADMIN
When a HTML has a wrong encoding set (content="text/html; charset=utf-16") we use the UTF-16 encoding when importing this HTML. This leads to wrong import. 
Microsoft Word detects that the set encoding is wrong and uses UTF-8 instead so that the imported result is correct. 

The HTML5 specification forbids the use of the meta element to declare UTF-16, because the values must be ASCII-compatible: 
Last Updated: 29 Oct 2018 09:36 by ADMIN

When exporting hyperlink pointing to a bookmark, the resultant PDF document should contain Link annotation with destination pointing the bookmark's destination.

One important scenario to cover is the ability to import HTML with hyperlinks to anchors in the documents, and export them as working hyperlinks in the PDF document.
Last Updated: 26 Oct 2018 14:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Boby
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Bug Report
When the value in the document variable collection and the argument of the DOCVARIABLE fields are with different casing, the field is not updated.

Available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2018 14:19 by ADMIN
A NullReferenceException is thrown when importing a hyperlink that doesn't contain any run elements. Similar hyperlinks could be skipped so the document can be successfully imported. 

Available in R3 2018 SP1 release.
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2018 15:41 by ADMIN
In the current implementation, the parent of a hyperlink must be a paragraph. Otherwise, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
Last Updated: 28 Sep 2018 11:43 by ADMIN
Currently the PageOrientation property is used to determine the actual size of the paper to use on the printer and does not reflect document's visualization. In order to affect Section's appearance the user should change the PageSize and PageMargin properties. For convenience the Rotate method is introduced in order to update the properties simultaneously. However the usage of the Section.Rotate(PageOrientation) method is confusing since the properties are not updated when Section.PageOrientation is already set to the same value as the parameter. Also, Rotate method is useful only for rotating already created sections, and to create section with specified pages size and margins the user should set all Section's PageSize, PageMargin, PageOrientation properties anyway.

More convenient API must be provided to create Section instances with correctly set properties for the desired page orientation.
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2018 13:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Tanya
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Implement support for footers in HtmlFormatProvider.
Last Updated: 06 Aug 2018 14:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Boby
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
TC field has special tag - \tc, which is currently not supported and is skipped during import. Because of this, the argument of the field, which is hidden in MS Word, becomes part of the document content.
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2018 08:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Tanya
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Enable the customers to add digital signatures to the documents and read signed documents.
Last Updated: 17 Jul 2018 13:57 by ADMIN
Currently, the align attribute is supported only for a table and when applied to a cell or row is omitted on import.