Last Updated: 03 Sep 2024 14:10 by ADMIN
'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: relationshipId' exception is thrown when an image does not have a relationship id specified. MS Word is showing the image as invalid but renders the document.
Last Updated: 30 Dec 2019 07:01 by ADMIN
Currently, ImportSettings allows importing a single stylesheet only. Users should be able to specify and load several external stylesheets.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2019 10:49 by ADMIN
 When exporting to HTML file, the table width is wrongly evaluated when the table width (in the original document) is set to fixed width.

IEnumerable<Table> tables = this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Table>();
foreach (Table table in tables)
table.PreferredWidth = new TableWidthUnit(TableWidthUnitType.Auto);

IEnumerable<Paragraph> paragraphs = this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Paragraph>();
foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs)
paragraph.Spacing.SpacingAfter = 0;
Last Updated: 04 Dec 2023 12:55 by ADMIN
The table styles are not imported correctly from HTML. The back color is not respected. The column width is incorrect. The font size is different.
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2019 06:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Benny
Comments: 1
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Bug Report

Special chars (åäö) with PdfFormatProvider wont work.

Project submitted!

    public void SpecialCharsTest()
            RadFlowDocument document = new RadFlowDocument();

            RadFlowDocumentEditor editor = new RadFlowDocumentEditor(document);

            editor.InsertText("Before text");
            editor.InsertText("åäö ÅÄÖ ☕"); // This line will not appear in the pdf 
            editor.InsertText("After text");
            using (Stream output = new FileStream("specialCharTest.pdf", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                PdfFormatProvider provider = new PdfFormatProvider();
                provider.Export(document, output);

Special characters wont work :-/

Last Updated: 17 May 2023 10:55 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023
Provide support for setting color values using rgb() function.

Example: background-color: rgb(197,93,161);
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020 11:47 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2020.1.127 (01/27/2020)
When a PAGE field containing a \* MERGEFORMAT switch it is suspended of getting the real number of a page.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2019 11:19 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.3.1104 (11/04/2019)
When importing a table style, which has the w:link attribute, the style is linked with the style whose ID is the link attribute's value. However, according to the specification, If the parent style is a table style, then the link element shall be ignored. DocxFormatProvider doesn't ignore this case and links the styles which might lead to StackOverflowException during the style property value evaluation.

Workaround: Remove the Linked style from table styles:
foreach (var style in this.document.StyleRepository.Styles)
    if (style.StyleType == StyleType.Table)
        if (style.LinkedStyleId != null)
            style.LinkedStyleId = null;

Last Updated: 30 Oct 2019 09:15 by ADMIN
Inserted inline images are not scaled when they are exported using PdfFormatProvider.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2023 08:30 by ADMIN
Release R3 2023 SP1
Empty lists with auto-close tags (i.e. <ol />) break the numbering of the lists declared after them.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2019 12:35 by ADMIN

When applying a table or table cell border with no thickness specified, the border is exported with a default thickness value of zero. However, by specification, the default value should be 2.

Workaround: Create a border by specifying the thickness value. For example:

table.Borders = new TableBorders(new Border(thickness, BorderStyle.Single, new ThemableColor(Colors.Black)));

Last Updated: 10 Oct 2019 14:43 by ADMIN
When a heading element has a CSS class applied to it, the heading styling applied to it is lost and overridden by the CSS style.
Last Updated: 02 Oct 2019 15:44 by ADMIN
When merging two documents each of which has header/footer with InsertDocument, the headers/footers are misplaced in the result document.
Last Updated: 02 Oct 2019 13:25 by ADMIN

In WordsProcessing on import only the lower case CSS attributes are correctly imported. Upper case and mixed case are ignored and the default values are used.

Last Updated: 30 Sep 2019 10:31 by ADMIN
Release 2019.3.930 (09/30/2019)
The exception is caused by the charts import which is not implemented for WordsProcessing but the processing tries to import the charts part and process it.
Last Updated: 11 Sep 2019 09:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Susan
Comments: 0
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
An index lists the terms and topics that are discussed in a document, along with the pages that they appear on. 
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2019 14:28 by ADMIN

HtmlFormatProvider does not maintain all the whitespaces on import even though {style="white-space: pre;"} was set.

It should support {style="white-space: pre-wrap;"} as well.

It can eventually be extended to support all the property's values: normal|nowrap|pre|pre-line|pre-wrap|initial|inherit.

Last Updated: 02 Sep 2019 08:44 by ADMIN
The HtmlFormatProvider currently doesn't support borders for p elements.
There is a ParagraphBorders property in the model Paragraph class, but it isn't implemented in the HTML import. Also, ensure that the borders applied on div elements are preserved.
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2019 17:46 by ADMIN
A paragraph containing multiple Hyperlinks inside Fields with missing End FieldCharacter, leads to OutOfMemoryException: 'Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' when exporting to PDF.

Workaround: Iterate all FieldCharacter instances and move any End FieldCharacter instance to paragraphs with Start FieldCharacters. See the attached project.
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024 09:31 by Margret
Created by: Hannah
Comments: 1
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request

The mail merge should support conditional fields. Here is an example:

{ IF [Condition] [Display Result 1] [Display Result 2] }