Last Updated: 06 Mar 2024 12:47 by Kevin
Currently, it is possible to specify the color for each cell explicitly, not the entire column
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2024 12:32 by ADMIN

Exception Message: "Stream does not support seeking."

I was trying to stream an XLSX document directly to a write-only stream when I noticed the XlsxWorkbookExporter implementation (or more precisely the custom ZipArchive implementation) requires the stream to be seekable.

Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023 09:43 by Francesco
Add support for importing files with absolute relationship target paths.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023 09:42 by Mattia
Created by: Mattia
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add API for setting custom document properties (metadata). Such are visualized by the common editors, e.g. in MS Excel in the File menu.

Example properties that can be set through the document properties are:

- Title
- Subject
- Author
- Last Author
- Creation Date
- Category
- Manager
- Company
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2023 12:31 by Arifullah
KeyNotFoundException: 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.' when reading a document,
due to incorrect "borderId" in "bordersList".
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2023 06:50 by Stefan
KeyNotFoundException: 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.' when reading a document,
due to incorrect "fontId" in "cellStyleXfs".
Last Updated: 28 Apr 2023 06:16 by James

I'd like to have the following style property available in the SpreadStreamProcessing library:


Last Updated: 20 Mar 2023 14:32 by Rekha

SpreadProcessing has a method,  cellValue.GetValueAsString(format), which allows the user to apply excel format on a value and get the result. While in SpreadStreamProcessing one could get the format and the value, there is no way to get their result and this is very inconvenient when the values in question are dates.


foreach (ICellImporter cell in rowImporter.Cells)
    string value = cell.Value;
    var format = cell.Format.NumberFormat;

    var cellValueFormat = new CellValueFormat(format);
    ICellValue cellValue;
    CellValueFormat valueFormat;

        new CellIndex(0, 0),
        out cellValue,
        out valueFormat);

    var formattedValue = cellValue.GetResultValueAsString(cellValueFormat);
Last Updated: 09 Mar 2023 08:06 by Satish
Created by: Satish
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for hyperlinks export.
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2023 10:39 by son
Created by: son
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for Rich Text.
Last Updated: 10 Jan 2023 11:51 by ADMIN
Files exported with SpreadStreamProcessing cannot be read by OleDB consumers
Last Updated: 16 Dec 2022 13:14 by ADMIN

Respectfully request the ability to set the text orientation of a cell. This feature was added to the SpreadProcessing library and we'd like to see it added to  the SpreadStreamProcessing library.

I operate mostly within the streaming version of the spread-processing library, so I don't have an idea of how full-featured the implementation was in SpreadProcessing. My request for the streaming library is to be provided with similar functionality as that which is provided by Excel:

Thank you,

R. J. Lewis III

Last Updated: 13 Dec 2022 09:16 by Rik
API that allows you to get the styles and colors from the current theme.
Last Updated: 15 Nov 2022 12:19 by Mark
Created by: Mark
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for CSV settings when exporting (delimiter, encoding). 
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2022 11:42 by William
Created by: William
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Allow users to define sorting.
Last Updated: 08 Sep 2022 12:53 by Denis
This attribute is needed to ensure the text values entered by users will appear in the same way as they inserted them. However, there are customers preferring to decrease the file size and skip this attribute. Expose a setting to allow them to achieve that.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2021 14:02 by ADMIN

Setting up a paper size to A1 and exporting the document actually sets the paperSize to 1. 

This leads to inappropriate values when entering the Page Setup options later in Excel.

Last Updated: 03 Jun 2021 12:27 by ADMIN
Expose API that allows you to get the styles colors from the current theme
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2021 10:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Dmitry
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Such settings are: "Summary Rows Below Detail", "Summary Columns to Right of Detail" and "Automatic styles".
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2020 08:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Rick
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Currently, this functionality is supported by the SpreadProcessing library. More information can be found in Worksheet Protection and Workbook Protection help articles.
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