Last Updated: 30 Mar 2020 07:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Rudá Cunha
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request

Currently, this could be achieved by exporting the document to PDF and then by using RadPdfViewer's WPF control ThumbnailFactory class. Sample code may be seen at this forum post: http://www.telerik.com/forums/pdf-thumbnail-returns-transparent-images#jO33X-E8Cki_qLh_KsToWg Help article: WPF PdfViewer - Exporting Fixed Page to Image - Telerik UI for WPF

Note: Allow also exporting part of the sheet to an image (print area, or selected cells), allowing for crop to content of the image.

Update: As of R3 2022 RadPdfProcessing has a SkiaImageFormatProvider available only for .NET Standard, which can be used instead of ThumbnailFactory. The help article can be found here: PdfProcessing - Using SkiaImageFormatProvider - Telerik Document Processing
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2020 10:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Todd Bannar
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add an option to save or load a custom created DocumentTheme.
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2020 09:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Todd Bannar
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Currently, this could be achieved this way:
string themeName = "Office";
ThemeFontScheme themeFontScheme = PredefinedThemeSchemes.FontSchemes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == themeName);
ThemeColorScheme themeColors = PredefinedThemeSchemes.ColorSchemes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == themeName);
DocumentTheme theme = new DocumentTheme(themeName, themeColors, themeFontScheme);
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2020 13:31 by ADMIN

Setting SetIsBold method to true on a CellSelection, resets the font size of those cells to 11 points.
See the generated file of the attached program.
Cells C1:F1 have font size 11 instead of expected 9.


PS: Is it really necessary to have a support plan to report bugs?

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2020 11:53 by ADMIN
The colors of the charts are determined by the theme in the default scenario. However, customers can apply any color to the series and the legend respectively. In such cases, RadSpreadProcessing doesn't import the custom colors and uses the ones defined by the theme.
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2020 11:40 by ADMIN
The columns of the sheet are split when exporting to PDF.
Last Updated: 05 Feb 2020 15:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin
Comments: 2
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Bug Report
Wrong measured column width when exporting to PDF after binaries version 2019.2.624.
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2019 06:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 2
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
One should be able to set the axis titles in the code. The attached images show an example of the exported document opened in Excel. 
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2019 10:55 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020
Created by: Deyan
Comments: 1
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for MID function. MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify.

MID(text, start_num, num_chars)

A list of the supported functions is available at http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radspreadprocessing/features/formulas/functions

This function can be implemented as a custom function. Check the following resources for more details on how to achieve that:

- http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radspreadprocessing/features/formulas/custom-functions
- https://github.com/telerik/xaml-sdk/tree/master/Spreadsheet/WPF/CustomFunctions
Last Updated: 26 Nov 2019 11:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for the Data Labels in the chart (see attached).
Last Updated: 05 Nov 2019 14:58 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.3.1111 (11/11/2019)
The exception is thrown when importing a document that contains a not supported BuiltInNumberFormat.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2019 12:50 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019 SP1
While importing the arguments of the data validation rule, the formula is treated as text and its separators are replaced with the list separator defined in the current culture. This leads to an invalid formula treated as a list of strings.
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019 11:01 by ADMIN
Currently, the worksheet of the shape and the collection it belongs to should be the same. Make it possible for the ChartShape and the data source to be on different worksheets.
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2019 08:07 by ADMIN
Currently, row/column groups cannot be collapsed/expanded through the public API. User should be able to specify row's/column's "collapsed" attribute indicating whether the outlining is in a collapsed state.
Last Updated: 06 Aug 2019 12:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Brittany
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Bug Report
Removing/adding rows/columns inside a worksheet requires all the data after them to be translated according to the change. This operation is slow and affects editing performance.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2019 11:06 by ADMIN
Currently, the chart lines support only solid fill for their outlines.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2019 10:07 by ADMIN
The API should be able to provide a way to move the X-axis away from the 0 value on the Y-axis or to the bottom of the chart when there are negative Y-axis values.

In Excel this can be achieved by right click on the axis, then from the context menu select "Format Axis".  Go to the "Labels" group and then in the "Label position" field select the desired value.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2019 08:40 by ADMIN
Created by: olivier legaignoux
Comments: 0
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
The COUNTIFS function returns the count of cells that meet one or more criteria.
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2019 12:46 by ADMIN
Release R2 2019 SP1
The data validation rule should have values for formula1 and formula2 elements, which define the start and end values for a range to validate between. When such values are missing, a NullReferenceException is thrown on import and the document cannot be imported.


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.Model.Elements.Worksheets.DataValidationElement.CopyPropertiesToSingleArgumentContext(SingleArgumentDataValidationRuleContext context)
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.Model.Elements.Worksheets.DataValidationElement.CopyPropertiesToDataValidationRuleContext(DataValidationRuleContextBase context)
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.Model.Elements.Worksheets.DataValidationElement.ListRuleFactory(IXlsxWorksheetImportContext context)
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.Model.Elements.Worksheets.DataValidationElement.OnAfterRead(IXlsxWorksheetImportContext context)
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.WorkbookFormatProviderBase.Import(Stream input)
Last Updated: 27 May 2019 15:48 by ADMIN
Sometimes the customers need to obtain the result of a formula without adding it as a value to a specific cell.