Matte color is used for preblending images with some background color, using the SMask. Matte color is specified using the optional 'Matte' entry for the SMask object. See PDF 1.7 specification, page 554-555: Matte array (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of component values specifying the matte color with which the image data in the parent image has been preblended. The array consists of nnumbers, where n is the number of components in the color space specified by the ColorSpace entry in the parent image’s image dictionary; the numbers must be valid color components in that color space. If this entry is absent, the image data is not preblended.
Add a setting that allows enabling printing of protected documents.
The issue is reproducible only with nested tables - tables positioned inside some other table cell. When using simple tables the text is always wrapped and rendered correctly. This may be used as a workaround for scenarios which allow replacing nested tables with simple ones.
This may cause either big distance between some glyphs, or overlapping glyphs.
As some other decoders, JBIG2 may also handle different parameters in order to correctly decode the stream. Currently, decode parameters are not supported for this decoder.
The NotImplementedException is thrown while getting the color from unsupported color space (for example ICC). This exception occurs during the import of shading patterns with gradient stops using this color space or during the import of tiling pattern with underlying color space. Available in R2 2018 Official Release Version.
If a PDF with a TextBoxField is created with a corresponding Widget, the text is actually long enough to be broken in more than one line and AllowScroll is set to true, upon opening the file in Adobe, the text is not visible. The field actually does have an appearance which can be seen upon inspection of the document but for some reason it is not visualized. Another issue seems to be a different manifestation of the same problem: When the text is long and AllowScroll is false, the text will be visible, but will be misplaced. The issue is caused by the length of the text because the same field with a shorter text that can fit in the widget's rectangle will be displayed correctly.
In business or enterprises there is more and more demand for PDF/A-3. In Germany it is Zugferd for hybrid invoices, in Brazil Nota Fiscal Eletronica 2.0, in France FACTUR-X. Also for longterm preservation it is import to support PDF/A-3. If I would be the PM of this library this would be my number one priority!
Currently, there is internal API which is used by RadWordsProcessing PDF export functionality. We should consider making appropriate public API which would expose tab stops editing functionality.
This allows specifying a soft mask in the external graphics state.
The signature field preserves information about the time of signing through the TimeOfSigning property of Signature.Properties. However, the DateTime object doesn't keep info about the time zone the document has been signed in. Some customers need to obtain this information.
Some customers need to export a single page of the PDF document to plain text. Expose such a possibility so the customers don't need to export the whole document.
When documents are exported to PDF, the creation date and modification date are not expected, or, when the time zone is with negative offset, the documents are invalid (detected by validation tools).
When importing document with predefined ToUnicode CMaps (e.g. Identity-H), an InvalidCastException is thrown with cause: Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Types.PdfName' to type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Elements.CMaps.ToUnicodeCMap'.
ImageSource imageSource =
[] ConvertWmfImageToPng(Stream wmfImageStream)
[] pngBytes;
(MemoryStream pngImageStream =
System.Drawing.Image imageDrawing = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(wmfImageStream);
imageDrawing.Save(pngImageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
pngBytes = pngImageStream.ToArray();