When inserting ligature languages text into a block, the text doesn't appear on the generated PDF file.
With the following sample code, the issue can be reproduced:
private static string fileName = "Hello.pdf"; static void Main(string[] args) { byte[] fontData = File.ReadAllBytes("calibri.ttf"); FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily("Calibri"); FontsRepository.RegisterFont(fontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, fontData); RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); string text = "مرحبا"; var reversedText = text.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(reversedText); Block block = new Block(); block.InsertText(new FontFamily("Calibri"), new string(reversedText)); FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); editor.DrawBlock(block); document.Pages.Add(page); PdfFormatProvider provider = new PdfFormatProvider(); using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { provider.Export(document, output); } ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = fileName; Process.Start(fileName); }
IOException when an object in the cross-reference stream has a negative offset.
"System.IO.IOException: An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file."
InvalidCastException is thrown when a name start character is followed by a literal string start character.
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Types.PdfInt' to type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Types.PdfName'.
Hi there,
I've been researching how to use Telerik PDFProcessing to Digitally Sign a PDF. But can't find any documentation on how to incorporate it into ASP.Net AJAX (VB).
When the indirect object contains more spaces between the object number and the generation number the object content is not successfully parsed.
Expected: one space
Actual: more than one space
When using an ImageSharp version bigger than 2.0 an exception is thrown: "MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(Byte[], SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat ByRef)'."
Workaround: Downgrade to a lower ImageSharp version or use a custom implementation of ImagePropertiesResolverBase/JpegImageConverter.