Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
The PDF Viewer fails to display the loaded document if StateHasChanged() is called when the Data parameter is set.
A possible workaround is to call await Task.Delay(...) after StateHasChanged()
Test Page (run this in a server app):
<h1>PDF Viewer Tests</h1>
<h2>Load Initially</h2>
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@FileData1"
<h2>Load On Demand</h2>
<TelerikButton ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary"
OnClick="@( async () => await LoadPdf(2) )">Load PDF</TelerikButton>
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@FileData2"
@code {
private byte[]? FileData1 { get; set; }
private byte[]? FileData2 { get; set; }
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
await LoadPdf(1);
public async Task LoadPdf(int id)
await Task.Delay(1000);
if (id == 2)
FileData2 = Convert.FromBase64String(PdfBase64);
FileData1 = Convert.FromBase64String(PdfBase64);
await Task.Delay(300);
private const string PdfBase64 = "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";
we are using the PDFViewer Component.
The zoom function usually works perfectly, both on mobile and desktop.
But there is one exception.
There is one scenario, where our PO got an crash, when he try to use ANY zoom functionality of the component.
He is using:
When the user scrolls the PDF Viewer down and then opens another PDF file, the new document should display on the first page. Currently, the new file displays scrolled to the page from the previous file and the user must scroll to the top manually.
A possible workaround is to scroll the PDF file with JavaScript in the PDF Viewer OnOpen event:
@inject IJSRuntime js
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@PdfSource"
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
function scrollPdfToTop(selector) {
var pdfCanvas = document.querySelector(selector);
if (pdfCanvas) {
pdfCanvas.scrollTop = 0;
@code {
private byte[]? PdfSource { get; set; }
private string PdfViewerClass { get; set; } = "scrollable-pdf-viewer";
private async Task OnPdfViewerOpen()
await js.InvokeVoidAsync("scrollPdfToTop", $".{PdfViewerClass} .k-pdf-viewer-canvas");
After clicking the Print button, the pages are ordered incorrectly. Can be seen in the preview window.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open
2. Click the Print button
Open the PDF Viewer component online demo and click the download button:
Expected - the PDF must be downloaded.
Current - the file is not downloaded.
We're currently working on requiring a Google CASA Security Assessment, as part of this they scanned our site.
However, the scan found an eval() function in the telerik-blazor.js file:
if(_util.isNodeJS){const worker=eval("require")(this.workerSrc);return worker.WorkerMessageHandler}
Is it possible to remove eval() from telerik-blazor.js?
i want to Render PDF Files with the PDF Viewer Component.
The Data of the PDF is already fetched from the API when the PDF-Viewer starts Rendering the Loading animation appears and freezes.
After a few Seconds the PDF will be Rendered.
The size of the PDF File is about 5MB.
If the PdfViewer is initialized with a default document, the display performance of this document will be a lot worse, compared to PDF documents that are loaded programmatically after the component is already on the web page.
When you search for a term, the document is not scrolled. Also when the user inserts a search term and clicks Enter the document is scrolled to the second match instead of the first one.
The loading animation is visible only when a user opens a file from the Toolbar of the component. When programmatically opening a file, the loader is not shown.
Set the PdfViewer document (data) value to null. As a result, an endless loader will appear.
A possible workaround for the time being is to re-initialize the component after clearing the file: