Last Updated: 08 May 2024 20:55 by Jordan

It is a common and desirable feature to be able to select predefined custom date ranges such as Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, etc.

This could easily be implemented in the current DateRangePicker if additional templates were provided, such a FooterTemplate, or StartTemplate / EndTemplate. That would allow the customer the most flexibility to implement this or other.

Putting these actions into a separate dropdown outside the date range picker is not ideal from the UX perspective.



Last Updated: 03 Jan 2024 12:42 by Peter
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request

Currently the DateRangePicker popup shows months like this:

  • If there is a selected start date, it will appear in the left month in the popup.
  • If there are no selected start/end dates, the component will show the current month and the next month.

The second case is fine when the current months are valid for selection (this depends on the Min and Max settings). However, if they are not, the user is presented with disabled months with no clear indication whether the valid date range is in the past or in the future, and how far away.

So, please expose a setting to set which month should display instead of the current month.

(Related to item Review DateRangePicker UX)

Last Updated: 14 Dec 2023 09:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Sylvain
Comments: 4
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request


The DateRangePicker has a few behavior specifics that may not be convenient or intuitive for all users:

  • When a new StartDate is set, the component clears the EndDate.
  • Depending on the current month view and selection, the user may not be sure if they are about to select a new StartDate or EndDate. For example, if a StartDate is already selected, and the user selects another earlier date, this will become the new StartDate, but the previous StartDate will be cleared, instead of becoming the EndDate.
Last Updated: 28 Nov 2022 11:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Ludovic
Comments: 5
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request


I would like to have the ability to select time in addition to the date range in a blazor component (start time for start date, and end time for end date).

Do you intend to add this feature on your current component?

Thank you.

Need More Info
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2022 13:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Sylvain
Comments: 7
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request


Having one textbox and one label would be great. Please consider it.
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2022 16:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Enrico
Comments: 1
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request

Good morning,

we need the possibility to simply change Start and End picker title/text values.

`StartTitle` and `EndTitle` could be two very appreciated properties to customize the component, in order to make also custom translations.


Thank you

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 08:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Roger
Comments: 0
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request
The attached screenshot clarifies more