Last Updated: 11 Aug 2022 12:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Rick
Comments: 0
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request

I would like to request an ability to add a dropdown of available values so that a user could select one or more items on the value side.

For Example:

User selects "Room Type" for Filter Name and is presented with "Queen", "King", "Double".  The user would then be able to select one or more of those values. This would replace a multitude of "OR" statements, in additional; it could make finding things easier by knowing what values I can search for.

Possibly apply a "Template" for the value of a Filter Name.  Purely as a concept:

<TelerikFilter Value="@Value" ValueChanged="@OnValueChanged">
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.OrderId)" Type="typeof(int)" Label="Id" />
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.Quantity)" Type="typeof(short)" />
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.OrderFreight)" Type="@typeof(decimal)" Label="Freight" />
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.OrderShipCountry)" Type="typeof(string)" Label="Country">
           <FilterValueTemplate>{{Some Template Here}}</FilterValueTemplate>
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.OrderShipName)" Type="typeof(List<string>)" Label="Ship to">
           <FilterValueTemplate>{{Some Template Here}}</FilterValueTemplate>
        <FilterField Name="@nameof(OrderDetailDto.OrderShipAddress)" Type="typeof(string)" Label="Ship Address" />