Last Updated: 04 Aug 2024 12:48 by OrmenZ
Created by: Nicolas
Comments: 2
Category: Wizard
Type: Feature Request
When I move from step A to step B the content of step A is removed from the DOM which means that the next time I go back to step A the user has to input everything anew. 
Last Updated: 10 Nov 2022 09:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Andre
Comments: 3
Category: Wizard
Type: Feature Request

 The disable option is still showing the step and it is not good for me. I have 35 types of transactions and all of them have generic and specific step.



Here is a potential workaround - basic conditional markup can add or remove steps. The key thing is that they will be added to the end of the wizard if they had not been rendered. To handle this, dispose and re-initialize the component, so the step will be rendered at the correct position.

If you have complex steps, you can work around this by creating a collection of descriptor models for the list of steps and create the steps based on that collection, where you can keep the VIsible flag, in a fashion similar to this example for the TabStrip.

<TelerikButton OnClick="@ToggleStep">Toggle attachments step visibility</TelerikButton>

@if (WizardVisible)
    <TelerikWizard @bind-Value="@CurrStepIndex">
            <WizardStep Label="Personal Details" Icon="SvgIcon.User">
                    content here

            @if (AttachmentsStepVisible)
                <WizardStep Label="Attachments" Icon="SvgIcon.Paperclip">
                        conditional content here

            <WizardStep Label="Confirmation" Icon="SvgIcon.Check">
                    other content here

@code {
    private bool AttachmentsStepVisible { get; set; }
    private bool WizardVisible { get; set; } = true;

    private int CurrStepIndex { get; set; }

    private async void ToggleStep()
        //dispose the Wizard
        WizardVisible = false;

        // defence against hiding the step when it is the last step, which would cause an exception
        if (AttachmentsStepVisible && CurrStepIndex == 2)
            CurrStepIndex = 1;

        //the actual visibility toggle
        AttachmentsStepVisible = !AttachmentsStepVisible;

        //allow some time for the disposal and toggling the step visibility prior to re-initialization
        await Task.Delay(10);

        //re-initialize the Wizard
        WizardVisible = true;



Last Updated: 16 Aug 2022 06:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 1
Category: Wizard
Type: Feature Request


We have to muchs steps in our wizards

So it would be nice to make the stepper scrollable


10 steps

visual are 1..7 , if i'm on step 4 , step 1 dissappears and 8 will be visible etc....

Also small < > added to the stepper could be uses to moves quickly throug the steps

This would be a nice enhancement