First, let me thank you for adding the Width in the latest update (2.21). Much appreciated!
We need a fixed height for our text areas to encourage user-interaction and ease the UX for the end user. Having (now a wide), but very narrow description field is not ideal and since it's basically a feature of HTML5, I don't see why it be exempt from Blazor UI.
<TelerikTextArea Rows="10" Width="100%" />
I would like to remove the resize handle and not let users change the size of the textarea.
A solution in the meantime can be done with CSS:
.no-resize.k-textarea > .k-input {
resize: none;
<TelerikTextArea @bind-Value="@taVal" Class="no-resize"></TelerikTextArea>
string taVal { get; set; } = "lorem\nipsum";
There should be a counter displayed like this
"n:m" With n = currentNumberOfCharacters and m = allowedNumberOfCharacters.