Last Updated: 21 Feb 2023 13:08 by ADMIN
Release 4.1.0 (15/03/2023)
Created by: Jörg
Comments: 2
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
I would like to use a Visible parameter for the TileLayoutItem
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2021 13:26 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0
I need to execute certain logic only for the particular tile that resized, and at the moment the OnResized event fires for any tile that gets resized. Ideally, a Tag or some similar Parameter on the individual tiles can be set and I could receive it in the OnResized handler to know which tile to target.
Last Updated: 24 Nov 2021 12:17 by ADMIN
Release 2.30.0

I want to dynamically change the TileLayout Reorderable parameter but the component does not react to that change. Dynamic change in the Resizable parameter is also not applied.

I am also trying to change the TileLayoutItem ColSpan dynamically - for example, when implementing it in a responsive layout ( but using a variable as the ColSpan value does nothing. The TileLayout does not react to a change in the ColSpan parameter either.

It would be nice if the TelerikTileLayout could be told to refresh itself or to refresh after some of its parameters is changed.

Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024 10:38 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q4 (Nov)

When in a div with display:flex, I cannot resize the tiles to the right as I expect to - they stop resizing before I reach the end of the tile layout.



Here is a sample you can use to observe the issue - try resizing the tiles and change the size of the layout offset. For cleanest results do this in a blank app that has absolutely no other styles (so no other layout is in play).

A short gif is attached at the end of this post that shows the problem.

<TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@width" Step="20" Min="0" Max="800"></TelerikNumericTextBox>
    int width { get; set; } = 200;
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row;">
    <div style="width: @(width)px; background: yellow;">
        some content on the left. When this is here, resizing tiles cannot use the full width of the tile layout
        - it stops short with the offset by this element due to the flex layout.
        Change the width of this element to see the effect - as you increase you will stop being
        able to resize 1column tiles at all. If you decrease, eventually you will be.
    <div style="position: relative; display: block;"> @* THE WORKAROUND - REMOVE TO SEE THE PROBLEM *@
        <TelerikTileLayout ColumnWidth="200px"
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 1">
                    <Content>Regular sized first panel.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 2">
                    <Content>You can put components in the tiles too.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 3" RowSpan="3">
                    <Content>This tile is three rows tall.</Content>
                <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 4" RowSpan="2" ColSpan="2">
                    <Content>This tile is two rows tall and two columns wide</Content>


Last Updated: 22 Dec 2022 11:36 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0
Creating the TileLayoutItems in a loop results in an infinite loop. If you manually define the TileLayoutItems (and remove the loop) it would work as expected.
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2021 07:16 by ADMIN
Release 2.26.0
Using moblie Safari iOS or Chrome Android.
Goto demo page
Try to change tile's order or size.
Nothings happened.
Last Updated: 04 Jul 2022 08:08 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0

Currently, only `RowSpan` `ColSpan` and `HeaderText` parameters cause a `TileLayout` to rerender when changed.  I use `Class` changes for a lot of styling (in particular it's useful for hiding/showing a `TileLayoutItem` without losing its position in the layout) and have to manually detect and call `StateHasChanged()` when the `Class` parameter changes on `TileLayoutItem`.

Please allow dynamic change of the TileLayoutItem Class property.

Last Updated: 15 Dec 2023 19:51 by ADMIN
I am using the TileLayout and inside the content of the TileLayoutItem I have a TelerikChart with its height parameter is set to 100%. When I resize the Tile vertically the chart does not pre-render accordingly despite using the Refresh method of its reference.
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024 12:43 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q4 (Nov)

We have a tile layout control within a tab page used on the whole page, we have resizing and moving enabled by dragging. Works well on desktop however on ios safari users are unable to scroll on the page, instead the page either does not move or tiles resize/move. If we disable only resizable or reorderable, the page is still not scrollable.




The only option for the time being is to disable resizing and reordering on mobile devices.

Last Updated: 05 Jan 2021 10:18 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: Marcel
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Bug Report
I would like to be able to change the state of the component in the OnResize and OnReorder event handlers