Last Updated: 22 Mar 2024 10:38 by n/a

The dropdown (select) components such as ComboBox, MultiSelect etc. have a built-in loading indicator that includes several Skeleton instances.

I want to be able to remove that and add my custom loading indicator in the popup. Ideally, it would be a template so we could have some flexibility.




This request targets all the select components (AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList, MultiColumnComboBox, MultiSelect).

The DropDownList currently does not have a built-in loader but that will be added as well as a prerequisite for the current feature. See Add a loading indicator in the popup.

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2024 12:19 by Paul
When I click on the CheckBox's label, "Select All," the dropdown closes. While if I click the TelerikCheckBox itself, it remains open.
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2023 13:17 by Kalpeshkumar
Our issue is when we are using OnRead for fetching data based on the entered text, the keyboard navigation is not working. The scroll mode is virtual. The volume of data will be large.
Last Updated: 26 Dec 2022 15:04 by Hiren

Testing this Select All Checkbox sample in Safari produces a different result compared to other browsers.

Click on the CheckBox in the MultiSelect Header Template closes the popup in Safari. In other browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox) the popup remains open after checking the SelectAll CheckBox.

Last Updated: 04 Nov 2022 06:02 by Neil
Created by: Patrik Madliak
Comments: 2
Category: MultiSelect
Type: Bug Report


In Firefox, there are occasions in which multiple items remain focused (k-focus class is not removed from the blurred item)

Reproduction (if bug)

  1. Create a multiselect and set AutoClose="false".
  2. Open the component and select a few items.
  3. Close the component.
  4. Open the component and select a new item.
  5. Two items have the k-focus class.

Second related case:

  1. Create a multiselect and set AutoClose="false".
  2. Open the component and navigate up and down with the keyboard arrows.
  3. Select an item.
  4. The last focused item with the arrows is focused as well as the newly selected item.

REPL for reproduction

Expected (if bug)

Only one item should have the k-focus class at a time.

Browser (if bug)


Broken Telerik UI for Blazor version (if bug)


Last Updated: 02 Sep 2024 14:44 by ADMIN
My question is regarding MultiSelect. I would like to order the groups inside the MultiSelect as follows:

Category 2

- Item 1

- Item 2

Category 1

- Item 3

- Item 4

But the MultiSelect control seems to order the category name alphabetically (Category 1, Category 2, etc).
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2022 15:43 by ADMIN

The following, took a bit of effort to identify where the behaviour was failing for a screen reader.


for all scenarios below the multi-select component currently has items (more than one) in it as selected.



if keyboard focus is on text edit, and u leave the component (w/ tab key), when revisiting the component (w/ shift+tab keys) all selected items are read out correctly



if keyboard focus is on selected item, and u leave the component (w/ tab key), when revisiting the component (w/ shift+tab key) the focused (selected) item is not read out correctly.

(sorry example read out not provided)


selected items are read out correctly when;

  • closing items panel w/ escape key,
  • closing items panel when selecting an item



delete item;

  • remove all selected items w/ escape key does not inform a screen reader user of the outcome; that no item is now selected (should state something).
  • removing last item with backspace does not inform screen reader of the outcome; that no item is now selected (should state something). I swear this worked once with firefox.

the following behaviour also occurs after removing all items via a keyboard, the keyboard focus becomes lost;

  • (BAD) most times u can't press a right / down key into the text section of the multi-select (experienced w/ firefox too)
  • (GOOD) most times can press alt+down to bring the panel (experienced w/ firefox too)
  • (GOOD) u can still tab out to next clickable object
Last Updated: 22 Sep 2021 14:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Johan
Comments: 1
Category: MultiSelect
Type: Feature Request


I would like checkbox support including the check all checkbox on the multiselect component like: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/combobox/functionality/checkbox-support

The url below shows how to create custom checkboxes in the multiselect component but adding a check all checkbox in the headertemplate does not update the multiselect popup


Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020 18:18 by ADMIN

I have a custom ICollection which I wanted to use with the MultiSelect control, however, the Value property is of type List<T>. This is very restrictive; the property should implement an interface for flexibility.

ADMIN EDIT: When voting, please add your comment on what you would prefer so we can gauge the needs people have and act accordingly.

Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 05:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Naveed
Comments: 6
Category: MultiSelect
Type: Feature Request

Like https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/combobox/custom-value and https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/custom-values/ so the user can input tags on their own without them being in the app data source.



The following sample may be useful in implementing this in the meantime: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/multiselect/add-new-item
