Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 10:46 by Austin


When entering an invalid date in a DateTimePicker, the component will automatically revert the entered value back to its previous valid value.

I didn't expect this because the user may type in an invalid date, and continue to the next input control within the form, and not notice the error that was briefly displayed.

The issue can be reproduced in the DateTimePicker Demo here: https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/datetimepicker/validation

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click in the day part of the date.

2. Enter 13

3. Enter 2100

4. Press the Tab key

5. Notice the date is automatically reverted (back) to 10/13/2019.


I expected the date to be set to 10/13/2100 with the input validation errors visible to the user after pressing the Tab key in step 4.


I've categorized this issue as a bug because otherwise, the form can be submitted with a value that the user did not enter.


If this behavior cannot be changed from being the default behavior, then there should be an option to prevent this behavior from happening.


Thank you.

Last Updated: 26 Sep 2023 13:14 by ADMIN

If you are zooming a page containing a DateTimePicker with "AdaptiveMode" set to "AdaptiveMode.Auto", the application crashes occasionally with the error:

Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')

The more adaptive DateTimePicker instances the page contains, the more likely the error is to occur.



Last Updated: 18 Sep 2023 09:08 by Richard

When the component's Adaptive mode is set to Auto, the Date & Time buttons in the popup are not rendered. 


Here is a CSS workaround that hides the titlebar in adaptive mode so that the buttons are present:

        display: none;

<TelerikDateTimePicker @bind-Value="@SelectedTime"
                        Format="MM/dd/yyyy hh:ss"

@code {
    private DateTime? SelectedTime = DateTime.Now;


Last Updated: 27 Jul 2023 11:38 by ADMIN
In our serverside blazor application we use the Telerik's DateTimePicker. When we type values in to the date time picker control, it jumps to the next section or to the end before completing the currect section. We use the format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'

It does not happen always and I think it is happenning when the internet connection is slow and it shows a Javascript error as well (screenshots below)
Last Updated: 08 Feb 2023 12:20 by Yanislav
Created by: Martin Herløv
Comments: 1
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Bug Report

DateTimePicker loses focus when the NOW button is clicked. 

To reproduce the problem open the following demo:


Try clicking a few times on the NOW button. The focus is occasionally lost. 







Last Updated: 08 Jul 2021 08:47 by ADMIN
The Set button should not be enabled when you change the month from the button in the popup, until the user selects a date too. 
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2020 15:30 by ADMIN
Created by: const
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Bug Report

I want the user to only be able to select times between, for example, 11AM and 1PM. Setting Min and Max does not limit that, I can select any time:

Selected time: @selectedTime
<br />

<TelerikDateTimePicker Min="@Min" Max="@Max" @bind-Value="@selectedTime"
                       Format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm" Width="250px"></TelerikDateTimePicker>

@code {
    private DateTime? selectedTime = DateTime.Now;
    public DateTime Min = new DateTime(2020, 6, 11, 10, 15, 0);
    public DateTime Max = new DateTime(2020, 6, 13, 12, 30, 45);