Last Updated: 10 May 2024 09:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Scott
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

On grids with a lot of data there is a delay between when the grid is assigned the data to when the grid shows the data.  During this UI painting period, the NoDataTemplate is displayed for a second or two.

The grid should not show the NoDataTemplate unless the data source is loaded with an empty collection, not just while it is still trying to show the data.

Note: Having a generic message like in the documentation "No Data available / The data is still loading ..." is not satisfying our users. (Blazor Grid - No Data Template - Telerik UI for Blazor) These should really be two different states that can show different messages.


Last Updated: 23 Nov 2023 11:28 by ADMIN

Looking through the examples I can't find one with SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Multiple" and using a RowTemplate.

ADMIN EDIT: This is not a bug in the component, an example of how this can be implemented by the app is available in the comments.

I'm not sure what I should be binding my checkbox to so it accurately reflects selection state.

From the RowTemplate Example adding SelectionMode:

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData


SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Multiple" Height="@Height">

<RowTemplate Context="product">  @*Trying to inspect what is generated in the examples I came up with this, but not sure what to bind to checked*@

<td role="gridcell" colspan=0 data-col-index="0">
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-grid-checkbox telerik-blazor" type="checkbox" />

<td> <img class="rounded-circle" src="@($"images/{product.ProductId}.jpg")" alt="Alternate Text" /> @product.ProductName </td> <td> @(String.Format("{0:C2}", product.UnitPrice)) </td> </RowTemplate> <GridColumns> <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.ProductName) Title="Product Name" /> <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.UnitPrice) Title="Unit Price" /> </GridColumns> </TelerikGrid>

Last Updated: 10 Nov 2023 11:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Please can you add the ability for the Blaazor grid to allow a PageSize="Auto", where it would automatically select a dynamic PageSize value that would fit the available grid height - avoiding scrolling or wasted space.
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2023 12:32 by ADMIN

I added a comment to this feedback post.  In this post, I made a comment on how to get Tab select working in a grid component for a combobox.

It would be nice if tab select was a parameter for any dropdown component and autocomplete. Maybe a parameter called "TabSelect"? It would need to fire before the grid component picks up the Tab key first in InCellEdit mode. 


If that was changed above, then the grid component could have the following:

Enter key to move down the list, and Shift-Enter keys to move up the list. Is there a way to do that currently, or could it be added?

Last Updated: 07 Jul 2023 10:29 by ADMIN
Created by: ben
Comments: 9
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Is there a way to hide the header?  I'm trying to use the Grid as a ListBox and it almost works using an empty span for the <HeaderTemplate>
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2023 18:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Ed
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The Blazor TelerikGrid component should support a dropdown column.  It should be exactly the same as the dropdown column in the Ajax grid.

Last Updated: 30 May 2022 13:31 by ADMIN

When working with grid column templates, it would be incredibly helpful if you could filter by the content of the cell itself rather than be restricted to a field that is a part of the model. Considering that the main use case of a template is to display something in a different format from how it appears on the model I think it's fair to say that most users would then expect to be able to filter the text they see rather than some value behind the scenes.

This has been problematic for example when trying to show data from a separate object by joining on a common ID value via the template. I understand one option would be to create a separate view model for the purposes of the grid but that potentially adds additional complexity to a project just to add some basic text filtering.

One workaround I've implemented for now is to use the OnRead event to manually filter the initial collection of data for my templated columns. I use a dictionary to map id values to my desired display text and then filter using LINQ. This is workable but again adds a lot of extra steps for something that would ideally be much simpler.



Last Updated: 24 May 2022 18:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Smiljan
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


is it possible to implement grid attribute that would disable alternating row coloring altogether?
It would leave onHover settings as is.

It's causing us problems when we color rows using onRowRender to custom color a row based on some value in the record, but alternating css "jumps in" and overrides onRowRender.

See attached screenshot (all rows should be green), but alt are still dark-grey )instead of green.

This should me marked as feature or bug.

BR, Smiljan

Last Updated: 13 Apr 2022 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Nicholas
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Internally it looks like you are using RadSpreadStreamProcessing for grid.ExportToExcelAsync()  if you gave us an optional lamdba to manipulate IRowExporter while you are processing, it would make things a lot easier.

There were a couple other feature requests out there that you closed offering alternatives ways of doing this and we are actually just importing the stream back to RadSpreadProcessing object and then manipulating that way.  Adding the Lambda would be a much more efficient way of handling this use case and probably very simple for you to implement.



Last Updated: 20 Oct 2021 06:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeremy
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I'd like to be able to enable the Column Chooser menu on just the Command Column and then keep all the other column menus as-is (I have a combination of various custom filter controls on them, so I don't watch to switch to the Column Menu)

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 06:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 10
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I would like to be able to set Min Width parameter to a Grid Column. The behavior I expect to see is:

  • The Grid Column with set Min Width will take all the available space on large screens
  • On smaller screens it will shrink but no more than the set min width (e.g. 100 px).
Last Updated: 08 Oct 2021 11:54 by ADMIN
Created by: Scott
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

If a developer changes the structure of the grid in a new release, such as adding or removing columns, the restore can have very unexpected results.

We get around this by storing a version number with the grid and incrementing that number when we change the grid columns.  If the version number on the grid does not match the version number stored with the state, we don't restore it.

We would like to see this be more of an automatic feature of the grid.

Compare the columns in the saved state with the columns in the Grid declaration. You may need to change the way the Grid columns are declared, according to the the linked documentation. If there is inconsistency between the two collections, strip the column information from the saved state before restoring it.  (This was suggested by Dimo from Telerik in a support ticket)

An alternative would just be to throw away that state when it can't be safely restored.

Last Updated: 30 Sep 2021 16:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

It is impractical to set the grid columns to fixed width. I'll explain with example:

I have grid with 4 columns. The grid should have width 100%.

- Column 1: short text, 10-15 characters. I need this one to auto width to content.

- Column 2: checkbox, also auto-width to header title.

- Column 3: free text that may wrap on multiple lines. I need this column to use all available horizontal space so it will push the 4th column to the very right.

- Column 4: button. auto-width to either header title or button width, whichever is wider.


The auto-width feature is already requested: Autofit column widths on data load ( but I don't see a feature request to handle the Column 3 scenario.

Last Updated: 27 May 2021 16:39 by Irina
Created by: Irina
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


Is it possible to drag grid row to another page on the same grid? 


Last Updated: 13 Apr 2021 08:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The grid should support INotifyPropertyChanged for the objects in the grid, i.e. if the data object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and a property value changes, the corresponding cell value in the grid should also change.

Last Updated: 25 Feb 2021 19:44 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrzej
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


Please simplify customizing Grid Popup, it should be available under Grid with build-in context and binding

I am already using your do-it-yourself example but IMHO it is too much code



Last Updated: 05 Jan 2021 19:56 by Steve
Created by: Steve
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Can you either fix the Export functionality to apply Custom footers that are not aggregated to the exported data or Change Enum options to add a Custom type to allow custom footer template values to be exported along with the other GrigAggregates?



Last Updated: 08 Dec 2020 07:53 by ADMIN

It would be good to have a Grid parameter like "ExpandDetailsOnSelection" for the Grid:

-> When the user selects a row, the DetailTemplate automatically expands - the DetailTemplate of the previous selected item is automatically collapsed


- no "+" button needed

- easy to integrate for 2-way-binding on SelectedItems (no need to use GridState and RowClick event)

Last Updated: 01 Jun 2020 10:49 by ADMIN

row height set in grid definition must apply to all rows in the grid for row virtualization as of now. 

in real business case there might be complex content in each row that can't reinforce this - but if each row report its own height, grid still can visualize the load, and it will be much more flexible. 

Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019 15:39 by ADMIN
    <TelerikGrid Data=@theViewModel.RowItems
                            <EventsManager OnRead=@ReadItems></EventsManager>
                            <TelerikGridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeTodo.Text) Title="Title" />
                            <TelerikGridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeTodo.CreationDate) Title="Date" />