If you use the format "yyyy-MM-dd" type in a full value and go back to change the year part the focus changes to the month part.
For example enter 2022-01-10 and then go back with the mouse to the year part. Type in 20. The focus then changes to the month part before completing the year part.
This happens with other formats as well when you use MM. The leading zero seems to screw things up. If you play around with the control and changing stuff you will notice that the focus function does not work.
Create the WebAssembly CRUD example from the New Project Wizard and go to the Form page.
Type a year in the date picker. Do not remove the focus and type another year. After doing this a few times the input visibly lags and the form becomes slow.
A potential workaround could be to disable the pointer events so that the users will have a harder time focusing the input so they are more likely to use the drodown to choose dates:
.k-datepicker .k-dateinput input {
pointer-events: none;
<TelerikDatePicker Value="@person.StartDate"
OnChange="@( (object dt) => person.StartDate = (DateTime)dt )"
ValueExpression="@( () => person.StartDate )"
Width="100%" Id="StartDateDP">
Recreational steps:
1. Typed "05"
2. Typed "right arrow" (select month part)
3. Typed "03"
4. Typed "right arrow" (select year part)
5. Tried typing "2020"... but as you can see things went strangely.
Binding a date input or a date picker to a nullable value causes a build-time error
error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.DateTime?' to 'System.DateTime'
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Button