Last Updated: 24 Sep 2024 17:12 by Andrew

The Min and Max parameters of the DateInput, DatePicker and TimePicker don't work if the component Value is of type DateOnly or TimeOnly. Here is a test page:

    Allowed dates between @DateInputMin.ToShortDateString() and @DateInputMax.ToShortDateString(). Enter an invalid date:

Nullable DateTime (if out of range, will <strong style="color:green">nullify</strong>):
<TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@NullableDateTimeValue"
                  Width="120px" />


<br />
<br />

DateTime (if out of range, will <strong style="color:green">autocorrect</strong>):
<TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@DateTimeValue"
                  Width="120px" />


<br />
<br />

Nullable DateOnly (if out of range, will <strong style="color:red">accept</strong>):
<TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@NullableDateOnlyValue"
                  Width="120px" />


<br />
<br />

DateOnly (if out of range, will <strong style="color:red">accept</strong>):
<TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@DateOnlyValue"
                  Width="120px" />


@code {
    private DateTime DateTimeValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Today;
    private DateOnly DateOnlyValue { get; set; } = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today);

    private DateTime? NullableDateTimeValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Today;
    private DateOnly? NullableDateOnlyValue { get; set; } = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today);

    private DateTime DateInputMin { get; set; } = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-10);
    private DateTime DateInputMax { get; set; } = DateTime.Today;

Last Updated: 07 May 2024 19:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Meindert
Comments: 0
Category: DateInput
Type: Bug Report

The DateInput rendering performance worsened in version 4.6.0 and the component renders more slowly. This is easily visible when there are multiple DateInputs on the page:

4.5.0: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mdPFuXFI02i7Ulbo52

4.6.0: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/GdlbEXPe00IhfKWN29

When you check and uncheck the checkbox, the DateInputs appear more slowly with version 4.6.0.

There is also a Grid, which is commented out. If you show it, the virtual scrolling will exhibit a temporary freeze before rendering of the new rows - the user sees the loading skeletons for a second even after they have stopped scrolling.

Last Updated: 06 Oct 2023 09:49 by balu
Created by: balu
Comments: 0
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to input leap years in the date input components and still using the AutoCorrectParts paramter. 
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2022 15:17 by David

If you use the FloatingLabel, when you tab into the DateInput control, the cursor is set at the very end of the text of the date format. However, if you do not use the FloatingLabel, and you tab into the DateInput control, the placeholder text is selected.

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wQlvclOZ14jEKaXU38.




The report is initially opened for DateInput, however, it also targets the rest of the date pickers that are compatible with FloatingLabel.

Last Updated: 25 May 2022 13:13 by ADMIN
I would like to be able to select which event will trigger the validation - OnInput (ValueChanged) or OnChange - when the component loses focus of the user presses enter. 
Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023 07:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Svetoslav
Comments: 4
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the Date input components apply a mask to the input which restricts the user to type dates. By modifying the mask, or remove it altogether, the users will be able to freely type dates.