See attached image. I want an option to change position on ticks, like in Kendo (see here).
I can't find an option in docs to move the axis position.
Currently, I get the desired result using SyncFusion Chart Component, attribute LabelPlacement allow selection between OnTicks and BetweenTicks option.
The additional functionality of the stock chart (crosshairs, navigator) fits our needs very well, but our data is not currency formatted. As far as we have found, we have not seen a way to remove currency as a default format. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or intended functionality; but it's preventing us from rolling charts with that extended functionality.
I would love to see the ability to put "pins" or "markers" for events on a time based chart. A lot of the work I'm doing with charts revolves around IoT, so we see a lot of value based data that needs to be contextualized with events.
Is there any plan to add an Org Chart as a control?
For reference - Kendo jQuery Org Chart.
The Org Chart should display the reports to / is a manager of relation (1:0,m) between employees and/or managers graphically.
How do I stop a column chart generating over the hover-over effect?
The property exists in the Kendo Chart.
It would be nice to be able to use Html markup in the ChartCategoryAxisLabel.
I can see in the documentation that it currently doesn't support this. I am curious if it is possible. Thank you.