Last Updated: 02 Mar 2020 13:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Igonik84
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

What about supporting INotifyCollectionChanged data source for the Grid?

Last Updated: 02 Mar 2020 13:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Jacob
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

A text/ html editor similar to asp.net core



Last Updated: 02 Mar 2020 13:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Mark
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
A DateTime picker that 'understands' localized standard/daylight savings time and prevents entry of an illegal time in the spring 'leap forward' and disambiguates the st/dt with the same hour during the 'fall back' is desired. It is almost impossible to get a good UX if there are separate Date & Time pickers meant to populate a single DateTime value.
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