Dojo example:
When the DropDownList has an initial value, the floating label overlaps with the text.
The label should be displayed above the DropDownList.
Workaround: refresh the floating label in the dataBound event handler of the component:
The DropDownList is incorrectly marked as invalid, when another field of the model is invalid.
Sample project attached.
Two validation errors appear after the form submission: one for the NumberOfShares field and a second one for the Country.Id field, for which a DropDownList editor is used.
A validation error appears only for the NumberOfShares field.
Note that if no editor is specified for the Country.Id field (instead of using a DropDownList editor), e.g.,
.Field(f => f.Country.Id)
.Label(l => l.Text("Country"));
no validation error message is shown for Country.Id.
Class k-state-focused
is not removed from DropDownlist on blur, if its filter input was clicked.
DropDownList appears focused as k-state-focus
class is not removed from its span
<span unselectable="on" class="k-dropdown-wrap k-state-default k-state-focused">
DropDownList does not appear focused.