Last Updated: 26 Jul 2022 12:55 by Tyler
Created by: Tyler
Comments: 0
Category: RadioGroup
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

If a RadioGroup is used for editing a required field, the validator is fired if a selection is not made. However, when selecting a field after the validation message appears and blurring the field, the other inputs of the RadioGroup remain marked as invalid.

Reproduction of the problem

Open the dojo:

  1. Try to submit the form.
  2. The validation is triggered since the form is invalid, which is correct.
  3. Select Name and click anywhere on the page.
  4. The other options are still recolored as invalid

Expected/desired behavior

When an option is selected and the input is no longer focused, the validation message should disappear. Also, the other inputs should no longer be marked as invalid.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.621
  • Browser: [all]