A specific PDF file (example can be found in ticket : 1493640) shows upside down in DPL case
Run the DPL processing demo locally and replace the file with the one provided in the ticket
The file is shown upside down
The file should not be rendered upside down
Bug report
A specific PDF file (example can be found in ticket : 1493640) shows upside down in DPL case
Reproduction of the problem
Run the DPL processing demo locally and replace the file with the one provided in the ticket
Current behavior
The signature is not shown
Expected/desired behavior
The signature should be shown
Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1021
The PDFViewer HTML helper incorrectly serializes the passed to its "File" configuration URL, when the URL has an ampersand(&) sign in it. In the output of the HTML helper, the ampersand is changed with its ASCII code - "\u0026"
@(Html.Kendo().PDFViewer() .Name("pdfviewer-test") .PdfjsProcessing(pdf => pdf .File("https://myrandomcomain.com/api/MyFolder/GetPDF?reference=xxxxxxxx¶m1=0¶m2=100&contentType=application/pdf") ) .Height(400) )
The generated code is:
The expected result is
I have a screen that I'm manually calling the print functionality of the kendo-pdfviewer from a button click. It is working, but the problem is that the resulting print dialog window is really small. Even if I open the print dialog, resize the dialog, and then try to print again it gets reset to the original small size. This is preventing our users from previewing what the resulting page will print like.
This is the code for my pdf viewer
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div id="example">
<kendo-pdfviewer name="pdfviewer" height="300">
<pdfjs-processing file="@(Url.Page("/Badges/Details", "VisitorBadge", new { BadgeId = @Model.Id }))" />
<toolbar enabled="false">
<pdfviewer-toolbar-item command="PrintCommand" type="button" name="print" icon="print"></pdfviewer-toolbar-item>
html body #pdfviewer {
width: 100% !important;
This is the javascript used to open the print dialog
badgereport.onWindowOpen = function () {
$pdfviewer = $("#pdfviewer").data("kendoPDFViewer");
$printBadgePdf = $("#printBadgePdf");
$closeBadgePdf = $("#closeBadgePdf");
$badgeWindow = $("#badgeWindow").data("kendoWindow");
$printBadgePdf.on("click", function (e) {
$pdfviewer.execute({ command: "PrintCommand" });
$closeBadgePdf.on("click", function (e) {
When a PDF file that contains PNG images is loaded in the PDFViewer that uses DPL, the PNG files are not displayed in the viewer.
An empty file loads in the PDFViewer while the loaded PDF file contains the logo of the Firefox browser.
The PDFViewer should display the Firefox logo loaded in the PDF file.
pdfViewer toolbar are always in english :