Having a floating label functionality similar to the one available for the native Vue DropDownList, would be nice to have.
Can you include the "HtmlAttributes" option in the "SelectListItemBuilder" class?
For example:
.Items(items =>
items.Add().Text("First Item").Value("1").HtmlAttributes(new { ... });
items.Add().Text("Second Item").Value("2");
Hi there
I am using MongoDb database and storing much of the data as complex objects.
Like this
string Name
string Phone
object[] Addresses
object Id
string name
string line2
string town
So the addresses are not stored in normalised tables such as you would have in a typical sql setup
Also I am using Razor pages and not using view models but binding to page model properties
mostly matching the database document.
One thing I am wanting to do is make the best of such a plan as it saves a lot of coding time.
If I have a telerik control such as a dropdownlist you would typically return an Id and keep the Id
in the database table. However in the new style of document database it is common to store
the entire object and not just the Id so the problem is if the control returns only the Id then
the developer has to obtain the rest of the object to store away adding the the complexity of the code.
Telerik allows very easy binding of an object to a control and the whole object remains available to use
such as in a dropdownlist to show a name and return say the Id.
An improvement for those using Document style databases with denormalised data would be the option
to simply return the whole object.
So in addition to DataValueField have something like DataReturnObject(true) or something like that
which would send back all the data for the item which you already have sitting right there.
This would very nicely serialise into the pagemodel complex object property and allow proper model validation
which is a problem when you return an Id but the property expects the full object.
I understand all this can be overcome but just a little tweaking by Telerik would be a significant benefit
where your customers are using document style databases such as MongoDb and Azure Cosmos
1 That is my suggestion.
2 Can I currently achieve this somehow?