When the upload fails (for example, server crashes), the component shows a word "Done" which is quite positive (even technically correct from the point of view of some internal code which participates on sending this files to a server). I vote for using some less positive work like "Failed" or "Some failed" or so which more reflects the user point of view what really happened and triggers a warning that the user should investigate and retry if needed.
The Upload 'Select files' localization isn't working.
The localization.select configuration doesn't have effect.
We would like to utilize the MaxFileInputsCount
//RadAsync Upload
<telerik:RadAsyncUploadID ID="ruAttachments" runat="server" Width="100px" MaxFileInputsCount="3" TemporaryFileExpiration="20"
OnClientValidationFailed="ValidationFailed" OnClientFileUploadRemoved="ValidationError">
and the TemporaryFileExpiration configurations
//RadAsync Upload
<telerik:RadAsyncUploadID="ruAttachments" runat="server" Width="100px" TemporaryFileExpiration="00:20:00"
OnClientValidationFailed="ValidationFailed" OnClientFileUploadRemoved="ValidationError">
that are available in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Ajax in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core.
Upload TagHelper's settings are not serialized when used in the Template component
The Upload TagHelper's settings are not serialized when used in the Template component.
The Upload TagHelper's settings should be serialized when used in the Template component.