Last Updated: 13 May 2024 11:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Tracey Schneider
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report


Sometimes the context menu isn't positioned correctly when it pops up for the first time, or after you scroll the page or do a browser zoom. I've attached an example reported by our tester. I've checked your technical support and have found this:*1fbejbs*_ga*Nzk1Mjk2OTcxLjE2ODk1NjQwMDU.*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTcxMjcwNTQxNS42NS4xLjE3MTI3MDY1NTUuNjAuMC4w*_gcl_au*MTk5NTg1MzE3OS4xNzEyMjAwMDcy

I've tried setting the render mode to Lightweight (originally set to Auto), but unfortunately no luck.

Is this something that is fixed in a later version of the editor, or do you have another fix/workaround?

Thank you in advance,




Last Updated: 08 May 2024 09:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Rodney
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
In RadEditor when specifying WordIgnoreOptions="None", I would expect that "THe" would be flagged as a misspelling, but it is not. It appears the WordIgnoreOptions is being ignored. 
Pending Review
Last Updated: 30 Apr 2024 11:43 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3 (7.08.2024)


I have an ASP.NET Ajax Telerik Solution (site) that has a web site project and a library project.  The solution was developed almost 8 years ago and so far I've been able to upgrade telerik controls  several times without any problem. Now, when I tried to upgrade the Telerik controls using the Upgrade Wizard Project only shows the class library as you can see in the attached picture.

To replicate this beahavior:

1. Create a new Telerik VB Webform Site
2. Add a Class Library Net Framework project to the solution.
3. Add a reference to Telerik.Web.UI to the Class Library project (optional).
4. Save and close solution.
5. Reopen it and run the Telerik Upgrade Wizard Project.

It only shows the Class Library project ...

Last Updated: 02 Jan 2024 15:04 by ADMIN

When assigning multiple resources and percentages, the first item in list always goes back to 100%.

It saves back to UI correctly but as soon as you leave or refresh page it goes back to 100% on first item and that's what's saved in database.

The online demo has the same code but demo doesn't save at all to test.

See attached screen shots.

Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 12:39 by ADMIN
Created by: shane
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
I am using ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2011 SP2. My IT department has notified me that there is a security vulnerability with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX RadAsyncUpload . NET Deserialization Vulnerability. Please advise how this issue can be resolved.
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2023 15:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Pavlina
Comments: 6
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 05 Jul 2023 11:57 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1
Created by: Doncho
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report
The behavior can be replicated in the Circular Gauge live demo by showing/hiding scale labels. Use the ScaleLabels Visible checkbox in the demo configurator.
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 15:48 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1
Created by: Rumen
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Bug report
It is not possible to print a PDF through the PDFViewer print tool on Desktop Chrome and Android Chrome.

Reproduction of the problem
Load PDFViewer Basic Usage demo and tap on Print tool -
Current behavior
Android - "There was a problem printing the page. Please try again." - no preview
Windows - the Print dialog shows and closes automatically

Expected/desired behavior
Print preview is available, allowing you to find a printer and print

Last Updated: 21 Jun 2023 12:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Adam
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Hi Telerik,

Just a heads-up - some of the demo pages are generating errors:

Server Error in '/aspnet-ajax' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.


I have found this on:


Need More Info
Last Updated: 30 May 2023 08:35 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Test Environment:

OS: Windows_11

Version: 22H2
OS Build: 22598.200
Browser: Version 104.0.1293.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  1. Open URL:   page in Edge Browser.
  2. TAB to the grid container.
  3. Observe the issue that the grid container is receiving focus.

Actual Behavior:

Focus moves on non-interactive controls.

Expected Behavior:

Focus shouldn't go to the non-interactive element in table content.

Last Updated: 25 Apr 2023 13:08 by ADMIN

Dear staff I know this post

But in any case the component RadEditor have the method 'OnTextChanged' in the client side.

Probably, id it doesn't works, is better to remove it.




Need More Info
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2023 20:57 by ADMIN

Pasting plain text content from notepad or other text editor into the RadEditor control (design view) results in container HTML tags adding to the content and inline styles that make the text unreadable.

Content pasted:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Diam quam nulla porttitor massa id neque. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Sed odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean. Sed faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue. Sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit. Cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam. Quis vel eros donec ac odio tempor. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin. Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Neque viverra justo nec ultrices.

Result in RadEditor:

<div class="telerik_paste_container" style="border-width: 0px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Diam quam nulla porttitor massa id neque. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Sed odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean. Sed faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue. Sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit. Cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam. Quis vel eros donec ac odio tempor. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin. Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Neque viverra justo nec ultrices.</div>

See accompanying screenshots.

Under Review
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2023 10:28 by ADMIN

While changing the value from RadCombox, meaning firing the SelectedIndexChanged, I am getting the below error.

Exception information: 
    Exception type: NullReferenceException 
    Exception message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at MDM.WebApplication.MyPendingActions.rgrid_ItemDataBound(Object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.OnItemDataBound(GridItemEventArgs e)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandItem.SetupItem(Boolean dataBind, Object dataItem, GridColumn[] columns, ControlCollection rows)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.CreateTopCommandItem(Boolean useDataSource, GridColumn[] copiedColumnSet, GridTHead thead)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.CreateControlHierarchy(Boolean useDataSource)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.CreateChildControls(IEnumerable dataSource, Boolean useDataSource)
   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl.PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data)
   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback(IEnumerable data)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.PerformSelect()
   at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.DataBind()
   at Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.AutoDataBind(GridRebindReason rebindReason)
   at Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
   at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
   at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
   at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
   at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
   at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint).

When trying on localhost SelectedIndexChanged of RadCombobox is getting fired and rgrid_NeedDataSource of RadGrid is not fired but when deployed on IIS, the scenario is opposite, SelectedIndexChanged is not fired but rgrid_NeedDataSource is getting fired.

Please help.

Also another thing, I wanted to understand how to use licenses.licx file in our project for telerik dll version 2013.1.314.45?

Last Updated: 24 Mar 2023 14:55 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023
Created by: Attila Antal
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

The issue can be replicated with AutoCompleteBox demo:

Set the SingleLineEntries property to "Enabled", and add a new Entry to the AutoCompleteBox. At this point, the page will scroll up and as a result hiding the AutoCompleteBox.

Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023 16:47 by ADMIN
Release R1 2023 SP2

I just installed the latest release (Telerik_UI_for_ASP.NET_AJAX_2023_1_314) and the program gives me an error.

This is the error :

Need More Info
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2022 08:23 by ADMIN


I'm facing JavaScript issues after enabling "Telerik.ScriptManager.EnableHandlerEncryption" on Web.config,

I've just followed Encrypt Telerik WebResource Querystring in order to hide the Telerik version.

After this the RadMenu breaks when i do a PostBack action (by pressing a button), the console outputs the same error when hovering a RadMenuItem and the submenus has stop being displayed.

The console error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'apply')
  at Type.callBaseMethod (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:6:7353)
  at c.RadMenuItem._createChildControls (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:5300:49)
  at c.RadMenuItem._ensureChildControls (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:2770:72)
  at c.RadMenuItem._getChildren (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:2768:32)
  at c.RadMenuItem.get_items (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:3552:36)
  at c.RadMenuItem._onItemMouseOver (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:4159:8)
  at Telerik.Web.UI.EventMap._onDomEvent (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:3289:6)
  at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:6:307)
  at HTMLDivElement.b (Telerik.Web.UI.WebRe...=:623:53)

I've tested this error with version 2020.2.617.45 and 2022.3.913 but the same problem.

Looking in the forum i've found this post with a related issue also a reply has a reference to a private feedback and this last one seems to be the same or almost the same problem, so i've tried to follow the workaround on "global.asax" file and "Page_Load" on the master page without luck.

The steps i've follow:

  • Enabling "Telerik.ScriptManager.EnableHandlerEncryption".
  • Site seems working correctly.
  • I press a RadButton inside a RadAjaxPane.
  • Response from server is OK.
  • Then i hover the cursor on RadMenuItems on RadMenu.
  • Console starts to show the related error explaining above.
  • RadMenu stops to present the submenus completely.

I'd like to have another way to workaround this in order to make RadMenu work properly again and keep Telerik version hidden.


Last Updated: 20 Sep 2022 11:20 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

'Selected' state is not defined for 'Pagination controls' in entire page.

Environment (OS, Application, Versions):
OS: Windows_11
Version: 21H2
OS Build: 22000.856
Browser: Microsoft Edge Version 105.0.1343.33 (Official build) (64-bit)
Screen Reader: NVDA(2022.2)

Repro Steps:
1. Open URL: page in Edge Browser.
2. Navigate to pagination controls present below "Book A Car' table under 'Overview'.
3. Open NVDA.
4. Navigate to 'Selected button' on pagination controls.
5. Observe an issue that 'Selected' state is not defined for 'Pagination controls'.

Actual Result:
'Selected' state is not defined for 'Pagination controls' in entire page.

Expected Result:
State 'Selected' should be defined on pagination controls. In this case, the expected role is {button or has a pop-up}. All components need a proper role attribute, ideally with semantics. In rare cases a role attribute should be added to give full context and information to assistive technology. Learn more by reading about when to use an aria role and the html/aria role mappings.



Last Updated: 22 Aug 2022 09:36 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Test Environment:

OS: Windows_11
Version: 21H2
OS Build: 22000.795
Browser: Version 103.0.1264.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  1. Open URL: page in Edge Browser.
  2. Open NVDA
  3. Tab to the 'BOOK NOW' controls in the grid.
  4. Press Enter
  5. Observe the issue that 'BOOK NOW' is announced as a link, but it opens a popup instead of behaving as a link. It should have a role of button. 

Actual Behavior:   

Incorrect role as 'link' is defined for button control "Book Now." 

Expected Behavior:

In this case, the expected role is {button}. For the "Book Now" button the correct role should be defined.

All components need a proper role attribute, ideally with semantics. In rare cases a role attribute should be added to give full context and information to assistive technology. 


Last Updated: 15 Aug 2022 08:14 by ADMIN

Test Environment:

OS: Windows_11
Version: 21H2
OS Build: 22000.795
Browser: Version 103.0.1264.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Tool: Accessibility Insight for web.

Repro Steps:

1. Open URL: page in Edge Browser.

2. Navigate to calendar under overview Section by using tab key.

3. Run Accessibility Insight tool.

4. Verify the bug.

Actual Behavior:

Ensures the contrast foreground and background colors doesn't meet WCAG 2AA contrast ratio thresholds.

Expected Behavior:

Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds.


Last Updated: 10 Aug 2022 11:09 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Bug Report

Test Environment:

OS: Windows_11
Version: 21H2
OS Build: 22000.795
Browser: Version 103.0.1264.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Screen Reader: NVDA (2021.3)

Repro Steps:

1. Open URL page in edge browser and turn on NVDA.

2. Navigate to table by using Tab key.

3. Observe that screen reader is announcing clickable when focus lands on table.

Actual Results:

Screen reader is announcing clickable when focus lands on table.

Expected Results:

The screen reader should only read relevant information once for each item.



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