Last Updated: 13 Nov 2015 09:17 by Flavio
Created by: Marin Bratanov
Comments: 5
Category: TileList
Type: Feature Request
This is a visible title for each group (separate from the Group.Name property), like in the Windows 8.1 Start.
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2013 11:56 by ADMIN
<telerik:RadIconTile ImageUrl="./images/info_icon.png" NavigateUrl="./add_loading_sign.aspx"></telerik:RadIconTile>


<telerik:RadIconTile ImageUrl="~/images/info_icon.png" NavigateUrl="~/add_loading_sign.aspx"></telerik:RadIconTile>

Does not work, but it should.
Last Updated: 16 Sep 2013 11:58 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 13 Aug 2013 09:45 by zAxis
RadTileList currently has the EnableDragAndDrop behavior but no way to react to these events.

Also, add RadTileList to the category list in the feedback portal
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2016 12:24 by ADMIN
In some cases, according to a condition, after the data from a request arrives, the developer may want to prevent further requests from this same tile. This should be possible by setting the update interval to 0.

In the meantime, you can add dynamically (and remove when needed) a handler for the OnClientDataLoading event that will cancel the event and thus - the request. For example:
			<telerik:RadLiveTile ID="MyLivetile" UpdateInterval="1000" OnClientTemplateDataBound="MyLivetile_OnClientTemplateDataBound"
				<WebServiceSettings Path="Default.aspx" Method="MyPagemethod" UseHttpGet="false" />
					some template that uses the data
			<script type="text/javascript">
				function MyLivetile_OnClientTemplateDataBound(sender, args) {
					var completed = args.get_dataItem().Completion;
					if (completed) {
				function preventLiveTileRequests(sender, args) {
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2016 14:23 by ADMIN
Currently alt="" for the images and such a property will let the developers improve the accessibility of their pages.
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2014 15:09 by ADMIN
A possible workaround is to cancel the OnClientClicking and OnClientSelecting events of the tile. Additionally, add a custom CSS class that will also enable you to apply some custom styling to disabled tiles, because most browsers do not have a disabled state for div elements. The CSS class is what is used to distinguish disabled tiles instead of the disabled attribute. NOTE: this will be fixed in the Q1 2014 SP1 release.

Here is a workaround example for RadTileList:

<script type="text/javascript">
	function preventDisabledTileClicks(tileList, args)
		var tile = args.get_tile();
		if ($telerik.$(tile.get_element()).hasClass("disabledTile"))
<telerik:RadTileList ID="RadTileList1" runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple"
			OnClientTileSelecting="preventDisabledTileClicks" OnClientTileClicking="preventDisabledTileClicks">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="S5_1" Text="5S">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="OEE_2" Text="OEE" CssClass="disabledTile" Enabled="false">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="SMED_3" Text="SMED" CssClass="disabledTile" Enabled="false">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="VSM_4" Text="VSM" CssClass="disabledTile" Enabled="false">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="RCM_5" Text="RCM" CssClass="disabledTile" Enabled="false">
			<telerik:RadTextTile runat="server" ID="TPM_6" Text="TPM" CssClass="disabledTile" Enabled="false">

If you are using Standalone tiles you can attach to their OnClientSelecting and OnClientClicking events. Instead of getting the tile from the event arguments, you will get it as the first argument the handler receives.
To make this more reusable, you can use ASP Themes to apply this on an application level and include the script in a common script on a master page.