The hovered state of the items of RadRating is not cleared when the Precision property of the rating is set to Item. A possible workaround is adding the following script just before the closing </form> tag: var $T = Telerik.Web.UI; $T.RadRating.prototype._mouseOut = function (e, mouseMove) { var targetElement = || e.srcElement; if (this._ulWrapper === targetElement || $telerik.$(this._ulWrapper).has(targetElement).length > 0) { if (!mouseMove && $T.RatingPrecision.Item != this._precision) this._hoveredItem = null; } this._attachDocumentHandlers(false); this._createPartElements(false); this._storeStartCoords(false); this._spanSize = null; this._hoveredItem = null; this._clearOverState(); if (this._clearSelectedStateOnHover) this._synchronizeUIWithValue(this._value); }
Currently the RadRating control can be used in touch devices only when its Precision property is set to Item. It should be possible to perform selection in the rating regardless of its precision.
Numbers start appearing in the items of RadRating when RenderMode is Lightweight and text-align:right is applied to a parent element of the control.
RadRating has anchor elements in its default rendering and they can still be focused via the Tab key even if the control is disabled. Since the disabled attribute is not valid for anchor tags, they can have tabIndex set to -1 to prevent keyboard focus. Here is a small sample that shows how you can achieve this: <asp:TextBox ID="Textbox1" runat="server" /> <telerik:RadRating runat="server" ID="RadRating1" Enabled="false" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"> </telerik:RadRating> <script> function OnClientLoad(sender, args) { if (!sender.get_enabled()) { var anchors = sender.get_element().getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { anchors[i].setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); } } } </script>
The hovered state of the items of RadRating is not cleared when the Precision property of the rating is set to Item. A possible workaround is adding the following script just before the closing </form> tag: var $T = Telerik.Web.UI; $T.RadRating.prototype._mouseOut = function (e, mouseMove) { var targetElement = || e.srcElement; if (this._ulWrapper === targetElement || $telerik.$(this._ulWrapper).has(targetElement).length > 0) { if (!mouseMove && $T.RatingPrecision.Item != this._precision) this._hoveredItem = null; } this._attachDocumentHandlers(false); this._createPartElements(false); this._storeStartCoords(false); this._spanSize = null; this._hoveredItem = null; this._clearOverState(); if (this._clearSelectedStateOnHover) this._synchronizeUIWithValue(this._value); }