FIX Setting Enalbled="false" for RadSpell does not have effect on the control. The disabled="disabled" attribute is applied to the main wrapper of the control instead of to the button. The following script is a possible workaround: <asp:TextBox ID="Textbox1" runat="server" /> <telerik:RadSpell ID="RadSpell1" ControlToCheck="Textbox1" Enabled="false" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad" runat="server" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientLoad(sender, args) { if ($telerik.$(sender.get_element()).attr("disabled") == "disabled") { $telerik.$("input[type='button']", sender.get_element()).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } </script> It will work as-is for a regular push button. If the ButtonType is changed the script needs to change to get the appropriate element (e.g. anchor for the LinkButton).
RadSpell's dialog should have proper tabIndex order to provide keyboard navigation. You can find attached a sample that lets you provide the desired order. When the buttons are disabled the browser should not focus them (i.e., the disabled attribute should prevent this even if tabIndexes are not modified). Related to this improvement request:
You can find more information about the problem, cause and repro in the following thread:
Wave Structure/Order is giving an error for RadSpell Control at "Not in Dictionary" label and Suggestions label. Hence our 508 testing is not passed. Please find the attachment for more details. URL is: Missing <h1> of Spell Check at the top of the dialog. Not in Dictionary and Suggestions should not be headings they should be form labels. Thanks
The issue is preventing the users from adding a word to RadSpell custom dictionary. A workaround is attached. You can apply the DialogScriptFile property to all RadSpell instances through an ASP Theme. The bug will be fixed in Q1 2015 SP1, so as soon as you upgrade to this release (or a later one), you should remove the workaround.
The error (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'mouseup' of undefined or SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'mouseup': object is null or undefined ) manifests in Chrome and IE9 only and only if you have a debugger on, otherwise the page simply disposes without issues.
I would like to have RadSpell should automatically check the words through the available dictionaries. If we attached two dictionaries to the editor / textbox, may be one word not found in English but the same word can be found in German. So it will be better to check both dictionaries before giving the suggestions. Thanks